Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Mission to lose weight: Pandang je la

When they had egg n cheese sandwich for brekky

I had apple and yogurt

They had chicken chop for lunch

I had crispy chicken salad

They had frankfutter and egg planta fried rice for dinner

I had salmon n greens πŸ˜…

You see...I watch my diet and exercise regularly...
Unfortunately I only lose 1.5kg within 2 weeks 😭😭😭. Then what??? Eat less and exercise everyday???

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Bila orang tak percaya

Bila kerja in team kita boleh lihat
Orang yg akan prepare awal atau orang masa mesyuarat baru nak terkial-kial mencari bahan,
Orang yg bersungguh or orang yg nak sekadar siap saja,
Orang yg mementingkan maklumat tepat diperolehi or orang yang tidak kisah yg hanya nak siap cepat
Orang yang banyak idea atau orang yang memanipulasi idea orang lain menjadi ideanya sendiri
Orang yang sedaya upaya membantu atau orang yang lepas tangan
Orang yg yakin dengan kebolehan rakan pasukan atau orang yang memandang rendah
Orang yang percayakan info yg diberi atau orang yg tidak percaya

Dah kata info yg dicari tiada dalam dokumen tu.
Tapi nak tengok juga dokumen tu.
I tak larat nak cari dokumen coz byk benda lain nak buat
Tapi degil nak juga...
Then katanya nak juga lihat dokumen jika tak SULITlah dengan nada yg menyakitkan hati
Awat nak sindir-sindir gitu....
I guess this is rude.
I pun silap juga..
Lain kali beril jelah
Cari jelah walau makan masa demi jaga hubungan
Intonasi pun kena jaga πŸ˜…

Bila sampai jalan buntu
Dan ramai pening
Kita pun buat inisiatif sendiri
Tanya second boss
Buat appoitnment
Tanya team member siapa yg akan hadir
Segan juga macam lebih2 pula
Tapi demi untuk sesuatu yg diusahakan dalam 2 tahun ini...
Tolak tepi perasaan itu usual not a single thank n gratitude
It turned to be like I am not the main representative that she has appointed and just interfering the process....

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mission to lose weight: Clean mealkah?

Clean meal lah sangat kan πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Dinner on Friday

Brekky on Saturday

Lunch on Sunday

Pagi tu happy coz my body weight decrease to 55.5kg. Yelah biasa 57kg ...then last week turned to 56kg by just controling my food intake without exercise. So total weight lose is 1.5kg within 2 weeks.

Dinner on Sunday

Lunch on Monday

Once we done with the training, we had body weighing session...But definitely the result wont be the same due to the type of weight vs analog. Regardless of that I assumed the weight loss should be the same. My excitement dropped drastically when I heard my body weight being mentioned...
From 60kg to 59.1kg...Seriously 0.9kg only?
Very disappointing...
Balik terus makan durian πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚....

So pagi ni while writing this post I am walking at my home...So far now my steps count is 2438 πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ.

Ok nak prepare brekky jap.

***sambung semula 😁😁😁

Anggun tak my ruby red brekky  πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

Healthy n filling breaky 😁.

I am actually not really in condition since friday.
But I just ignored it. But today I know that I should go to see a doctor regarding what I have been suffering for 5 days.......

Monday, November 20, 2017

Buatlah : Aniaya

Dulu memang ada terfikir
Mungkin jadi begini
Seperti yg dijangka
Memang ia terjadi
Awal-awal lagi dah nampak
And it getting worst
Tapi tak sangka lepas tangan terus
There is a difference between WORK DELEGATION and HAND WASHING
Hello di saat genting gini mana boleh tinggalkan ofis!!!
Where is sense of responsibility and belonging to the unit?
What kind of ship captain is that????
Apa akan jadi kepada kapal tanpa nakhoda walaupun dah tahu gelombang besar nak datang????

Bila nakhoda dah lupa tempat
DALAM diabai LUAR dirembat
Bayaran luar dapat
Mata perundingan luar pun dapat
Tapi Elaun dalam terus dapat
Di mata luar dan atasan wah hebat
Di mata kami ....hmm..tolong betulkan niat

Eh siapa kena pikul tugas nakhoda???
Yang tinggallahkan...
Yang tak efisyen nilah kan....
Yang dianggap tak berkebolehan
Yang hanya dicari bila perlu, terdesak atau buntu
Dah cakap last week benda lain boleh tolong
But not this one due to my previous experience
The tension...the trauma facing that special people
Answering with proof ....
The wrong procedure
I thought he understood my situation
So dah discuss cari orang lain
I pun dah buat my personal plan
But this morning our colleague informed hangpa kata I yg akan standby
Then later in the afternoon another colleague informed the same info
According to the third big boss I should standby due to my previous post
Definitely I didn't know that
Why didnt anyone tell me on what to do?
Did nakhoda update anything since our last discussion?????
No matter how furious I am, I still can consider to help if nakhoda tell me earlier
For the sake of our unit and organisation
Not at the very last minute when I am struggling with my own work and personal problem....
This is totally persecution....
Bahagiakah hidup menindas orang lain hanya untuk kepentingan  dan poket sendiri?

Sebelum ni memang I nak bantu jika diperlukan
Faham perasan dan keadaan di waktu awal
Memang more than happy to help
The excitement and the satisfaction when I managed to accomplish the task for our unit and ligthen someone burden is priceless
But it should be within my limit...
This time is a BIG NO!!!!

When I talk to certain people regarding this issue
- one person said another colleague made a complaint as well..certain task should be done by the nakhoda not her
- one person just smile and it seems that it nothing to her
- another asked me to be patience
- one of my closed friend did not reply my message. I noticed that whenever I said something like this to her,  either she does not respond or remind me to be positive and move one since different people got different style...seriously???
Biasalah when people need us we always there for them...when we need them they treat us like we are negative and terrible person. Wheras they still hold a grunge over certain people even though more than 10 years have past ...positiflah sangatkan πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….
So kepada siapa lagi yg nak mengadu dan luah perasan?
I am totally alone...
Whatever it is I know I suppose to turn to Allah.
All these is just a test to make me get closer to Him...

Baru perasan ramai pula I bercerita.
Makcik kepochi and bawang sungguh πŸ˜…πŸ˜….
Perlu baiki diri ni...jangan kecoh sana sini
Walaupun tension n bengang kan
I will try...pls pray for me....

***update 21 nov****
Penatlah I merempan.
Rupanya semalam nakhoda whatsapp kata BIARLAH πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
SELAMBAnya lahai πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚....
Takpelah ko kawtimlah dengan officer supaya both of us are invisible πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€.
What a relief....
Hopefully in their mission to save you, they will save me as well 😊😊.
Kiranya blessing in disguise in my haywire condition....

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Mission to lose weight: Measure what you eat

Hari rabu exercise ok lagi. Bila hari khamis habis satu badan sakit especially the upper part πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. Hari jumaat tu nak naik turun tangga pun lutut sakit πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

But the exercise is less effective to lose weight if I did not control my food intake. Apapun kena ingat formula 80% food and 20% exercise. It really a challenge for me to control what I eat πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…....quite embarrased to submit our weekly meal to the coach.

Our coach keeps on remind us to reduce the calories intake based on the following three aspects
1. Food choice: balance meal, type of cooking, plenty of water
2. Portion size: 1/4 karbo, 1/4 protein, 2/4 fibre
3. Meal Frequency

And definitely physical activities to burn more calories.

I am struggling with food choice and getting better for portion size 😁. For instance I measure what I eat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...makan buah pun nak berkira πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Mission to lose weight: 751 kcal a day

I pelik sangat how my friends' calories intake was less than their recommended calories. Mine always on point or greater than the recommended calories. Sometimes I feel stress just to control what to eat πŸ˜….

However, I am quite shocked yesterday when my calories intake was 751 kcal only. I thought I ate a lot yesterday. Cuma brekky tak sempat ada hiasan coz kalut. Lunch pun tak sempat keluar cari nasi. Dinner pulak teringin makan sup sayur dan telur.

Tiba2 tergigit cili. Podeh bona. Memang tak tahan. Buka peti sejuk terus ngap aiskrim πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Anyway, bawah ni my calories counter for yesterday....

Itulah bila hari yg kalut...begitulah jadinya. Tapi coach kata sebaiknya ikutlah our recommended calories intake for example mine is 1200 kcal coz it may harmful to the body if I took less than that. I searched the of the effect it may lower the metabolism which is not good for the body.

Anyway just for the weight was 57kg last week. But it was 60kg using the coach weight scale yesterday...really can't accept that...60 kg???. Mesti rosak tu πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. But just want to stick to my weight scale...And guess what this morning my weight is 56kg...yeay...the result of controlling calories intake. Exercise setakat brisk walk sesikit je within these 5 days kot. Takkanlah exercise semalam yg ada jumping jack, squat,lunges, plank etc terus turun 1 kg kan 😁.....

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Hi stalker

Tak sangka ek
Blog gini pun ada stalker ek.
Ada beza silent reader and stalker kan πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Takpelah janji ko bahagia
Takpelah ....
asalkan ko tak ganggu kebahagianku
Asalkan ko tak jaja kisahku
You cannot judge me just based on this blog
I do not write everything here

Why am I blogging?
Definitely not for you.
It is for me, myself and I 😍😍😍
My journal
My memory training...
It is a bonus if my blog post can inspire others to be a better person
Walaupun sebenarnya banyak bebel πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Stress tak makan

Itulah kan....
Bila siang dah terlebih calories intake than it supposed to be
Maka for dinner hanya tinggal baki 110kcal
Tapi leftover pizza tu macam sedap je
Tapi kalorinya lebih 450kcal
To eat or not eat
Tidur awal je lah
Masalahnya now about 1am
I am hungry πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

Buatlah Episod 2: Do it properly

When he showed me the list
I am quite shocked
Why someone busy be the group leader
After all that document were prepared by other persons
I suggested to him one of them should be leader

When he shared the list to all
Unfortunately he did not do any changes
It is up to him
After all the person that I suggested often get sick lately

Guess what?
During the first meeting the leader came late πŸ˜…
We understood her packed scheduled
That was why again I suggested to him to appoint someone else to be the leader
Someone that can give full commitment
But it is better to get her agreement first
Anyway he got his point
He purposely appoint the busy someone to be the leader
Because he thought that she can unit all the team members

But when the day came
As expected she could not commit full time
The person she appointed to handle the program only to be seen for the first 30 minutes
That person have to manage her personal matters
If I was her definitely I cannot concentrate to do anything except to settle that problem
And that leave us whoever left to continue with the program πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

The funny part...
when people just came for a few minutes
Made comments like he knew everything
But the reality is definitely the opposite
And normally this kind of person will survive
Because they know how to manipulate other people response to make it like it comes from them
Well that is life 😁😁😁😁

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Bila tak serupa orang lain

Orang lain pi kerja awal
I pi lewat

Orang lain senang fokus kerja waktu pagi
I biasa mudah fokus waktu petang

Orang lain lebih fokus kerja semasa di pejabat
I lebih fokus kerja di rumah

Orang lain berehat atau berjalan2 di hari Ahad
I pi ofis πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Tu je yg I nak cakap
Hari ni I pi office you
Apa2 hal kita lunch dulu

Sedapnya ada sambal bacang
Lepas tu hah ko....
Memulas2..sampai tak larat nak jalan
Tak cukup buat pelaburan di tingkat atas
Di tingkat bawah pun buat pelaburan is not due to that food
Dah kalau ambil pil kurus, memanglah gitu
Pasal tu I tak disiplin nak ambil pil
Azab dan siksa tu x larat.....

After 4pm
Pi beli track bottom n barang
Then I bought these for snacks πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

The old time sengkuang calit and fish satay.

Then I had these for dinner
Grapes, veges, raisins and walnut....

Look likes simple dish
But the calories are 239kcal πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Sambil tengok Gegar Vaganza kita goyang2 la
Harap dapat tambah steps to 4k πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Mission to lose weight Part 1: The Obstacles

Camno ek....
Niat dah ada
Semangat pun dah ada
Malah dah sign up for training
Tapi alih2 jumaat malam pi order niha

Tu gambar lama ya. Tak masuk banana kaya desert lagi πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

Lepas tu gelabah apabila coach tanya kami dinner gapo?
Selalu tak tanya pun.
Alih2 mlm tu tanya.
Dia ada sixth sensekah πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

So due to my guilt feeling
I pushed myself to briskwalk at the jogging track yesterday morning as well as walking and climbing stairs at home in the evening and managed to get 7k++ steps 😁.

I used Pacer Apps to track my steps and synchronized it to Myfitnesspal Aps....

I use Myfitnesspal Apps to monitor my calorie intake. My recommended calorie intake is 1200 kcal. To lose weight I should aim for calorie deficit. As you can see from the image below if I was active for a particular day, my calories expenditure increases....

You see...I ada masalah to control my food intake
Suppose less carbo n more veges...
Sometimes I am not hungry
I eat because I want to eat
Or it is time to eat πŸ˜….
Let us look what Dr. Zubaidi said

Friday, November 10, 2017

Quotes for two days

Kisah kawan ditempat kerjanya semalam
Merungkai yang kusut
Menjernihkan yang keruh
At least the boss is doing something
Better than doing nothing

Kisah bersama my colleagues ...

Kisah 1
Our new resolution
Let's join training session
Hiring coach to gain self discipline in our condition
Doing it with friends to boost motivation
Lose weight and to be fit are our intention
#sekianpantunlimakerat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Kisah 2
Walaupun tempoh telah tamat
Masih perlu berkhidmat
Supaya maklumbalas sesuai dan tepat
Masih balik lewat
Supaya tugasan diselesaikan dengan cepat
Masih perlu memberi maklumat
Supaya mudah tugas rakan sepejabat
Seronoklah si penjawat
Yang renyah bertimbun disuruh orang buat
Yang menonjol sendiri rembat
Orang punya idea janganlah main sebat
Semata-mata nak kelihatan hebat

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Nampak muda

Semalam lewat pi ofis. Semak dan settlekan apa yg perlu diemel.

Then meeting with customer. Hah! Terkial2 korang nak mengoogle ya. Whatsapp n Fb pandai πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Terserempak exboss semasa lunch hour. I senyum je la.
X-boss: Legalah sekarang tak jadi ....
Me: lega sangat, hilang stress
X-boss: : tu la nampak muda
Me: ha πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
X-boss: nampak ceria

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚....tu la bila dah lepas bebanan.
Memang sangat beza antara belakang tadbir n front line 😁😁😁😁.....

Borak pula dengan rakan. Bila frontline pun banyak to the top management or just in the unit. Both got their challenges...People can say anything but wait till them in our shoes. Ko tunggu....πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Then jumpa  pula sekumpulan orang. Kita nak beri briefing pasal regulation dia sibuk chit chattinh. So rude. Then terkial2 nak explain 😠😠😠. Bila sentap buat muka. Ada juga yg sengih2...Tapi di luar dok cakap kita ni  very district....ingat kita tak dengar. Habis tu baru jumpa pun dah biadap takkan I nak senyum dan biarkan je....kami nak berurusan lama.

Petang tu excited nak sign up for training. Tspi bila balik teringin nak kudap jambu. Teringin pula nak goreng pisang. Beli je RM1...Tapi dapat sedekah RM3 😁. Takkan nak tolakkan....So how to control my diet πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Claim Payment Vs Letter of demand

I was so happy when I checked my email this afternoon. Alhamdullillah I got both claim payments which are aproximately RM1k in total. Yela di kala baki akaun tinggal ratus/puluh. Maka kita perlu korek segala sumber yg ada

However, my excitement turned sour when I checked my mailbox later in the evening. I received letter of demand for outstanding payment from the lawyer 😭😭😭😭. This is due to the developer and previous owner fault as well as my incompetence lawyer. As a result, I have to be responsible for other people debt 😠😠😠.

Bila sapi kata susu tu dia hasilkan πŸ˜‚

Siapa yang tak sedih
Bila kita buat something bagai nak rak
70% memang kita yang buat
Dari berhari2 mencari bahan dan sediakan justification dll
Compile appendix
Extract info dari appendix
Kenalpasti staf
Sediakan jadual agihan staf dan dll
Update any latest info
Semak berulang kali
Tak kisah malam atau weekend
Sanggup ambil cuti sebab nak fokus
Dikejar dek second boss banyak kali di hari due date
Walau migraine dan stress paksa diri juga
Makan tak terjaga
Di kala lewat petang berkejar ke kedai fotostat
Dah senja baru pulang

Alih2 the boss macam tak suka I hadir meeting
Memanglah gayanya macam I tak perlu terlibat
Tidak berkaitan kerana bukan my area
Seolah I tak perlu ada di situ
Seolah I menyibuk
The boss Sibuk tanya mana orang lain
Dah orang lain termasuklah ketua kump baru datang lewat
Even ketua besar pun lambat
Tapi lupakah, tak tahukah
I yang sediakan dokumen tuh
It is my baby
Definitely I want the proposal to be be approved

I boleh buat tak tahu
Ketua kump pun tak cakap apa2
Tapi atas dasar tanggungjawab I baca emails n comments dulu
I bawa bahan
Bila boss tanya I respon mana yg berkaitan/tahu
Bila boss nak assign kerja I yg tolong cari staf yg berkaitan dlm dokumen
Si ketua kump dahlah bising2 nanti dia kena buat banyak
Helllo benda tu sikit je, kalau banyak pun boleh buat sama2...
Itulah tak bacakan...
Ketua besar senyap je πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Faham...dah he never involved before
So definitely clueless
But the best part bila ketua kump kata depan boss dulu agihan staf dia yg buat...
Even lepas tu katanya justification dia buat
Sapi sungguh ko πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

You see
Kita buat atas dasar tanggungjawab
Kita hadir pun atas dasar itu
Kita memang ikhlas buat semua tu
Tapi bila anasir seperti di atas
Tak boleh nafikan hati terasa...
Bukan minta pujian
Bukan minta balasan
Tapi mengharapkan kefahaman
Bersabarlah duhai hati

Luckily ternampak kata2 ni dalam FB

Macam di asrama

Kisah weekend
Tak berani guna gas stove
Tapi malas nak keluar
So for lunch
masak je lah dengan bahan dan alat yang ada

Ayam goreng kunyit in rice cooker πŸ˜‚.

Petang keluar cari food
Satu je gerai bukak
Pi tempat lain takde yg menarik
So pi je la kedai thai
Sotong goreng twpung 😁
Dan air tembikai

Monday, November 6, 2017

Buatlah Part 7: Ego

Dia sediakan list of program dan letakkan jumlah peserta
Ada yg tertinggal dari list
Ada yg muncul 2 kali
Jumlah peserta ada yang tidak betul/wajar
Kita BAIKI itu semua
Kita UBAHSUAI bil peserta/kump
Kita AGIHKAN juga staf untuk setiap program
Kita senaraikan beberapa isu
Kita dah emelkan haritu

Harini peserta tanya
Mana program tu???
How to register?
Seriously belum kemaskinikah πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Penat I buat πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Perlu tau mana URGENT and IMPORTANT
Ok cepat pi isi
Malu wo...never happen before
Ok after jumpa customers
Kita rush untuk jumpa
In case tak buat and tak tahu
So ajar how to kemaskini 😁

Tapi petang ada masalah pula
Isu yg I bangkitkan makin memeningkan
Nilah akibatnya bila melibatkan banyak unit
Dulu kita minta2
Tapi mereka tak beri
Yelah pelanggan komplen
Tak adil untuk mereka
Senior staf pun komplen
Suposse memang kita handle
Tiba2 mereka beri bila kita tidak bersedia
Terkini kita plan dua
Mereka beri satu
Oklah malas gaduh2 lagi
Satu pun satulah
Kali ini berdasarkan my plan
Kita ada tiga, tapi boleh uruskan hanya satu
Tapi tak boleh kerana second boss dah buat paperwork atas arahan atasan
Rentetan dari aduan unit lain
Tak kisah berapa banyak
Semua kami perlu handle
No more sharing
Pulak? no flexibility

So kena ubah the plan that I have prepared
Dia buntu
I bantu
Ada juga rakan yg disitu turut beri suggestion
Tapi gayanya...seolahnya plan tu dia yg buat πŸ˜…
Rakan tu mana taukan
Ok fine...ambiklah...
Psst...dia pesan dont say anything to others
Konon tak mau kami kena hit by others due to changes
Tapi sebenarnya tak nak orang tau I yg banyak buat kan πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
Ok fine...ambiklah semua kredit
Tapi betul juga...eloklah I kunci mulut
Nanti dituduh macam2
Masih menyibuk, memandai, bebankan orang pulak πŸ˜…

Haritu bunyi macam serabut
Minta orang lain tolong
I pun perlu terlibat
Faham...been It that shoes
I pun tak kisah coz kerja2 detail ni I suka
Hari ini bila kita kata kesian
Banyak kerja datang tiba2
Tau apa dia cakap
Ya..ok sangat 😁😁😁

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Roti planta vs roti serunding

Good Morning...
What is for brekky?
I am having these while watching The Other Mother@702

Lama dah tak makan roti planta.
So apalagi, semalam cari roti.
Ternampak pulak serunding.
Teringat semasa zaman first degree at USM, suka campur serunding dan cili sos.

Semalam teringin nasi lemak. Tak kuasa nak keluar. Teringat ada maggi in cup. So brekky mee goreng maggi+serundinglah 😁

Tengahari malas keluar juga. Macam2 I telan, aiskrim, serunding, biskut. Petang pi makan goreng pisang dan pau bilis.

Guess what for dinner I tapau paprik ayam dan kailan ....

Lepas tu makan jambu pulak 😱😱😱.
Makan macam tiada hari esok ek...
Lepas tu padan muka senak perut dan angin.

Kejap lagi perlu buat list of things to do
Basuh baju done
Kemas rumah
Kemas ofis
Material for next week
Outstation work Claim

Friday, November 3, 2017

Urus Sendiri Part 13: Allah Maha Mendengar

Minggu ni memang busy
Selain tak sihat
So memang tak sempat nak mengejar orang

Pagi semalam dah plan
Mesti hubungi both tenant and owner on that day
Tapi tak terbuat
Takpelah mungkin jumaat

Lepas solat Isyak
I memang berdoa dengan sepenuh hati
Memang penuh harapan dan keyakinan
Supaya urusan dgn mereka dll dipermudahkan
Memang saya tak larat nak tanggung

Surprisingly selepas 10pm I received a message from the owner
He wonder why I have been quiet
He thought that mine is ok
So I informed him there is still problem with space 1
There is a new problem with space 2
I even sent him both pictures
Told him that the tenant has came n checked space 1
He said he gonna discuss with him
To do the hacking and all
But few weeks have passed
I did not see or hear any  repair work.
Several contractors told me that it should be done properly ie hacking not just applying the chemical
I sent him messages on 17 and 30 oct
But I did not receive any response.
Suddenly the owner said he got free time today
So he will see the problem by himself
And we should discuss.
Alhamdulillah...thank you Allah
Hopefully our discussion will be fruitful
And my problem will be settled soon.

Bila fikir semula selain doa dan
Kun faya kun...
If it's meant to be
It will be...
Mungkin juga Allah beri as whatever I done yesterday
The banana hunting
Helping the customer
Helping my boss
Sharing tauhu begedil πŸ˜…
Please bare in mind ya
I have no intention to be riak or whatever
It may small matters to others
But for me it really means a lot
Here we can see
The power of Doa
The power of Sedekah
The power of ease other people affairs
It reminds me that Allah is the greatest,
The most beneficient and the most merciful
It inspire me to be kind to others
I hope by reading this it will inspire you to do the same too...
Something like Oprah says
The ripple effect of kindness
No haters please
If you Hate it, then leave it
Eh ayat macam retis fofular πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Full of activities

Macam-macam berlaku today

Mendengar rakan yg takde mood nak kerja
Terkejut bila dimaklumkan byk dokumen utk pelanggan masih belum dapat kelulusan
Seriously ???
I sent all documents to the main office end of dec 2016
What have they been doing all this while?
No response
No update 😠😠😠
Then banana hunting😍😍😍
Then only off I went to work
Met my colleague at the parking lot
Have not seen her for quite sometime
Manage to ask her about one of the package
No wonder we cant find the package in the old record
It is the new one eventhough sounds familiar πŸ˜…
Conveyed our customer problem to the coordinayor
Discussion with my partner
Meeting with the boss
He told me about several new teams on certain tasks
Showed me his plan on the new commitees
I gave several suggestions as well

At noon
I continued with the work plan for early next year
It is not easy to make plan that fair to everyone

Alhamdulillah I am done with the workplan
And sent it to the boss
Really happy once I accomplished it
Then I contacted another department regarding certain procedure for customer application
It is really frustrating when the process took longer time that resulted in the customer lose something
It is their right
But due to lack of management we are denying their right
I really hope all parties take note on this matter and improve it
It never happened before when I was handling it
Yes.. we did face lateness since it is a new procedure
Everyone seems clueless
But we still manage to settle it no matter how late it is
The most important thing everyone should handle it properly, quickly, doing follow up and have consideration when dealing with the rules.
I did not get a chance to talk to the boss about it
But just informed my colleague who normally have meeting with the top least they know what has happened.

I left the office around 6.30pm

When they need me....

Our customer called me this morning
I told him he should ask the person in charge.
But I did not really hear what he said.
Something like he did not received any response to his messages

Since he is bedridden
I felt sympathy for him
And told him that I will tell both persons in charge

Luckily I managed to meet one of them
And asked her to deal with it
And suggested to her to let the other person know as well

And during afternoon I met the second person
And told her what has happened
Alhamdulillah I am done with the responsibility

Then I got a miscalled and messages from that customer
He told me the update....
And here were my messages
"Saya dah inform pasal your case to them.
  Actually kalau u ingat I am no longer handle...
  The new one is ...."
(I am a bit worried because people may think I masih nak menyibuk)

His responses were so touching
" I know. Tapi you yg kira plg rapat."
" That is why macam saya kira cari you"

Yelah seteruk-teruk I
Seganas-ganas I
There are people who still count on me
Believe that I may/can help them
Forget my harsh words πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
understand why I acted that way.
Otherwise they won't find me.

Buatlah Ep 6: Lambaklah

Nak lebih efisyen ka
Nak perkemas ka
Tak mau orang yg sama terbeban ka
Tapikan awat lambak semua kat orang lain ek
Hang buat apa?
Hang pi mana?
Kerja luar???

Bukan tak terima hakikat yg kini
Tapi cakap pandang-pandang
Pasti ada yang memandang
Pasti ada yg terasa jika tidak kena gaya
Jika rasa hebat
Walk the talklah πŸ˜€

Seteruk-teruk dulu pun
Banyak buat sendiri
Terlampau fokus
Sampai abaikan pembangunan diri
Yelah amanah atasan
Mana boleh abaikan
Jangan main-main dengan imbuhan diberi

Yang dulu dok komplen
Baru korang tau
Dulu korang tak perlu buat semua tuh 😁
Lari dsri mulut buaya
Kini Masuk mulut nagakan πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I am not against anyone
Bila diarah I tetap buat selagi termampu
Bila perlu I pasti tawarkan diri untuk menolong
I am satisfied when I complete the task given
I am happy when I can ease someone affair 😍😍

Craving for banana

My friend told me this morning that she is craving for banana. Unfortunately she couldn't find any at the shop nearby our house. Normally they are two shops sell bananas. She felt like to cry.

I told her I might go to the town and if I found any definitely I will buy for her. But deep inside my heart I prayed that the second shop nearby our house still has stock or the stock just arrived before I went there. I really pity for my friend...I dont want her to wait till the evening because I am not sure at what time I will go to town. After all I got long list of things to do.

Before I went to the office I dropped by at the second shop. I cant believe my eyes the moment I saw bananas hanging on the stand. Alhamdullillah...thank you Allah.
Subhanallah....Allah answered our prayer
Special feeling when I managed to fulfil my friend's craving and make her happy. It was touching to see her face when I hand in the bananas to her....
If I stayed for another minute I am sure I am gonna cry...
Take care my friend....