Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Food Delivery

 Hi everyone....
How's life
Hope all of you are doing fine.

I am still WFH
Every week we got meeting via webex/Google Meet
But starting from last week
I have to go to office 1-2 times per week

Tommorrow certain of us need to go to office...
For very important task
Really nervous and worry
Hope everything goes well
Please pray for us....

Anyway eventhough WFH
I seldom cook
Normally I just order food delivery
For today's late lunch I ordered korean food
A bit dissapointed for the taste
But it was better than nothing πŸ˜…
I was craving for danmuji
Unfortunately it was out of stock...
So here was the final menu
Kimchi, bonito flakes kimbap and chicken bibimbap....

Other than this food delivery
I have stock of crispy bitter gourd, ginger and garlic...

Oh ya!  
Yesterday I received sambal kentang πŸ˜…
Everything is at our finger tip 😁
Just send whatsapp for order....

Monday, November 16, 2020

OH! NO....

 Dah seminggu WFH
Apa perkembangan saya?

Memang stay safe@home
Ada jugak le jenguk2 Quran
Rumah pun beransur nampak mcm rumah
Ada yg segar kehijauan di porch
Bukan pusat kitar semula
Si tongkang pecah makin lenyap

Tapi yg lain tak safe 😰🀦‍♀️😭
Kerja from morning till midnight
Duit melayang2 dek 11.11 dan food delivery
Tadi timbang dah 62.9kg dari 61kg kot sebelum WFH
Seriouslah...gained almost 2kg in a week 😭😭😭🀦‍♀️

Friday, October 9, 2020

Appoinment and files

Hello peeps...
Mesti tak sabar nak berhujung minggu
Samalah kita 😁

Macam biasa
Mesti nak bebel pasal sesuatu
This time about hospital appointment
I mean about the irresponsible staff
In the same hospital

End of last year I underwent a MRI scan for upper part of my body at the main hospital
Stated in my appointment card that my appointment at the related department in the district hospital will be scheduled after than scan.
I have been waiting for nearly two months
But never got any call from that district hosp
Since I got appointment at other department,
 so I went to the first department for enquiry
What is annoying is to see the staff not feeling guilty for not calling me
Not a single apology

Last 2 weeks, 
I went for appointment at another unit
Guess what?
The specialist is not around 🀦‍♀️
And again the staff did not contact me
But based on her appointment book,
 she did call other patients

I went for treatment appointment at different unit
Terkejut, kecewa dan geram.....
"Puan, staf kata tarikh dah tukar dan puan dah tahu. So saya tak call lah"

Saya memang tiada kerja lain
Saya memang banyak masa
Setiap minggu boleh datang untuk appointment
Bukan untuk jumpa doktor
Atau buat treatment
Tapi semata2 nak set appointment baru πŸ˜…
Takpun jadi personal assistant
To remind that irresponsible staff

Please dont get me wrong
saya tak tulis pasal semua staf ya
It is only for those irresponsible staff
Jika tidak berkaitan, mohon jangan terasa
Jika berkaitan, sila berubah

Dahla sakit hati pasal appointment
Buang masa perjalanan pergi balik
So kerja sendiri pun tertangguh
So waktu rehat tak boleh rehat
Pulun hadap dokumen utk customer
Then dari 6++ to 7++ pm dok download n rename lost of files....
Yup...around 155 files
Mata berpinau
Rasa tak stabil juga 😭😭

Monday, October 5, 2020

Nasi bambu dan Ketam

Semalam semasa dok menghadap leftover KFC
Tiba2 kawan called nak mengantar nasi bamboo you...

Jauh datangnya
Banyak portionnya
Sedap rasanya

Macam minggu2 sebelum ini 
Not a productive weekend
Rumah masih tongkang pecah
Kerja office pun tak luak
Malah makin bertimbun

But hibernation weekend became hullabaloo
When people only see what they wanna see
People argued about improper matters by certain parties
But they also forgot to act and voice out properly...
They also biased and become blind when it comes to improper action due to obsession
Yes people do make mistake
But very fishy when it happen not once but many times
Never learnt?
Playing victim?
To err the perfect people....
There is a difference between educating and bullying...

Friday, October 2, 2020

Nasi lomak singgit

Lama tak update pasal foodkan 😁

Tadi keluar ofis after 7pm
On the way balik berhenti tepi jalan
Boli nasi lomak singgit
Sodap sambal eh
Nasi pun boleh tahan
Tambah dua sudu kari kambing

Bawah  ni pulak
Menu lunch semalam
Tapi konon nak pi kedai lain
Dah sampai baru perasan kedai dah dirobohkan
Manalah mereka pi πŸ€”
Anyway penuh lauk 🀣🀣

Ada puyuh sambal hijau, kerabu taugeh dan pajeri terung....
Ya....saya memang tamak haloba
Beli ABC juga

Buat kerana siapa?

Last month we got a workshop at out place 
So I suggested for the use of foreign aspect
I even suggested to use two foreign aspects
But we can only add one aspect due to criteria limitation

Then we got another workshop outside
To ammend the proposal
Two of the team members discussed on how to arrange all aspects.
One of them have attended the first workshop
While the other have not attend
Suddenly the absent one said that the idea of  two foreign aspect came from the other member
Due to dissapointment I just said 
- wasn't it we have agreed for one aspect only
- I even suggested for two aspects but was not acceptable
It seems that other people got credit from my suggestion

Later my colleague presented our proposal
The big bog like the idea of foreign aspect very much
She even asked other group to embed our idea of foreign aspect
Guess what?
The one who absent from the first wshop kept on giving credit and praising to that other member for her idea
I really really dissapointed because she seemed to mock me
And the other one just kept quiet and didnt say that  the idea is actually from me

Bila mengadu dengan my friend
Katanya biarlah
Kita niat ikhlas kerana Allah

This week we got another workshop
So I prepared excel file to ease our calculation and shared with others
I even taught the coordinator on how to calculate and how to key distribute the data in the document
I am sure the coordinator taught others about it too

Yesterday she worried something about our proposal
Due to panel's comment
So I helped her in seing the key aspects 
And justify our proposal

So today the coordinator update our progress
When everyone thanked her
She only mentioned one person who helped her
Who am I to her?

What I can see here
Everyone is selfish
#They find us when they need us
#But they chose who they want to give credit
#And the people who are not suppose to get the credit just keep quiet 
and did not correct the mistake
Or explain the real situation

So how do I suppose to react?
If possible try to explain what is actually happen
Not to get the praise etc
But to fight for my right
If it not possible just accept whatever happen
And left the rest to Allah 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Cari kita kutuk kita

I was racing for two deadlines
Need to attend two events
And tried to find a few minutes to meet and old friend after buying food for lunch

Despite my tight schedule
Tuere were several knockes on my office door 
from 11 ++ to 1pm
Maybe more than five times πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜ƒ
The daughter of my colleague who need my help to open her mum's door 
I don't mind doing that....

My colleague seemed in hurry to a program
It is ok to help people in need
After all I love children
This cute lil girl is cute and cheeky

After the second knock
I help again to open the door
Guess what ?
She gave me a birthday card 😍

After the third knock
She said sorry kacau 
Tell me...whose heart is not touched?
Not melted?

There was also a colleague
Who need a shoulder to cry on
Family and customers" problems
Nothing really new except one

Many times I lend my ears for the similar matters
But again I just listened
And spoke whenever neccesary
Coz I do understand 
Sometimes people just want us to listen
Just want to ecpress their feeling
To make them relief from the burden

Around 6pm
I still struggling to meet the first deadline
She came to me again
And I know it gonna be long time
Oh No!...
I did not know on how to refuse
Moreover I dont have a heart to ignore her

Guess what she said ?????

" I went to several people, but I still could not see.
Finally I got the answer from the fourth person.
First I should understand my customer 
She may have problem too
Second, actually I dissappointed with her for not meeting my target"

She kept on repeating the similar words for the first bold sentences several times.
Such as... takde jawapan, tak membantu
How would you feel if you meet this kind of ungrateful person.
Yes...I am the first person.

I spent my time to listen to her despite my hectic schedule
Due to pity
And sense of responsibility for people in need
But what did I get?

It is ok if she forgot to say thank you
But why wanna say all three of us it is not helpful...
But at the same time still wanna find me 🀦‍♀️πŸ˜…

Find me when she need me
Or to kutuk me as well πŸ˜…
Or if her so called good listener is not around
But if I need help
Sometimes she did not even border to pick up my call 
Or open her door
evem though I know she is her office
Because she want to finish her task

But if she need help
She would not be border 
If we are busy or not
We have to spend time with her
Listen to her

Hmm...she is totally selfish
Self centered

She can't differentiate between a colleague and a councellor
She can't differentiate between a friend and a pschyciatrist that she used to meet
Hello! I takde tauliah pun 😁
Lepas ni ngaji psikologi ler...
Ada permintaan nampaknya

Me and myself is to blaim too
Because too kind to people who often hurt me
Whatever it is I dah luahkan di sini
Dah lega...
Maafkan dia
And move on 😊

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sailang Customer

 Hmm memang tak sangka

Tak tahu nak marah or sedih

Orang yg selami ini saya hormati

Cuba sailang my customer

Hello sister!!!

Ko nak apalagi?

Customer ko pun dah ramai

Awat nak tamak?

Yg ada dulu pun ko tak terhadap

Ada yg terabai 8 tahun

Ada yg terus senyap

Pulak tu bab2 utk diri sendiri 

sangatlah cekap

Tapi bab2 utk unit dan teamwork

Mcm siput...

Ke laut pun ya...

Dulu ko juga yang sentap

Dulu ko yg bising

Konon tak cukup pelanggan

So I dah buat new regulation

Supaya lebih adil

Dan semua dapat peluang

Alih2 ko tamak haloba

Alih2 ko jadi kera dapat bunga

Ko jadi kacang si pelupa kulit

Ko balas racun dengan madu yg aku beri

Tapi lantaklah kan

Ko punya sukalah kan

Nak selori ke nak sekapal

Nak abaikan ke nak tatang

Nak ingat or nak lupa


Yang nak pi sailang my customer apehal?

I know she is international customer

Dah rezeki saya

Tapi ko carilah sendiri!!!

Pulak tu ko pi burukkan I

Apa dia???

Aku ni tak pakar ya.

Ko jelah yg pakar kan....

Nasiblah my customer tu setia

Eloklah tu...

 yg kakak cuba sailang my international customer

Yg adik dah berjaya sailang my ex customer

Penat bimbing dan bantu pun tak hilang lagi

Alih2 kena rampas

Tu yg kami tahu...

Yg tak tahu...hmm entahlah

Keturunan hebat

Tapi perangai macam  dot dot dot

Pasti ada kifarahnya....

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Laksa johor for brekky

Here was my brekky this morning

Berombak perut πŸ˜…

Baru 2 minggu work at office
Dah naik dari 57.9 to 59.9kg 😭😭

Tugas besar

Hari ini pi kerja sangat lewat
Bila sampai tempat kerja
Terkantoi dengan boss
"Ko dari mana"
"Ko baru sampai ke"
I pun tersipu malu πŸ˜…
"Ko ada kerja tak"
"Ada. Nak semak dokumen"
"Takpelah dah suruh si A dan B tolong"
"Nak buat apa boss, klu boleh saya cuba"
" kena pilih ...."
" Boleh je"

Wah! Biar betul ...
Tak sangka terlibat dalam tugas besar
Bidan terjun
Tapi tanggungjawab berat
First hand data
Tapi perlu tahu selection criteria
Definitely find the best rank
But priority the bc, the preference
Sangat jelas kaedahnya
Senang je la kan
Hide unwanted columns
Custom sort based on specific column
Dapatlah in one minute

Tiba2 yg sorang ni ckp
Eh yg the top ni low in other criteria
So nak buat camna?
So nak kena check long list one by one
And key in pula item kriteria tu satu2
Jenuh lah...
Eh!dah berapa jumlahnya?
Nak guna numbering excel tak boleh coz protected
Key in la satu2
Dah settle
Tiba2 yg tukang baca buat silap apatah🀦‍♀️🀦‍♀️
Ulang lagi

Bila dah ada dua kriteria
Nak pilih mana
Kan dah kena marah dengan boss
Bukankah priority yg the top
Tu semua mmg dah lepas syarat
The second criteria tak perlu tengok 🀦‍♀️
Adoilah nilah akibatnya bila ada memandai2
Dan tak faham the whole process
So ikutlah priority
Just like what I have done previously
Eh!dah berapa jumlahnya?
How to confirm?
Pilah tanya the staff
Ada caranya
Bila tak cukup tambah je la
Alhamdulillah settled
But our one lunch hour gone

Then other task
Suppose do nothing
But we noticed intern ada buat silap
We have to redo
Tapi tak boleh proceed terus
No softcopy
Dah 2pm baru dapat
Terpaksa key in something utk mudah sort
Jenuh manually check and key in
Dah sort
Tapi data nmpk pelik
Mcm sorting satu column je
Column lain tak ikut
Takpelah ambil je fail asal
Tapi fail asal dah delete 🀦‍♀️🀦‍♀️

Key in semula
Pesan banyak kali SAVE la
Sort lagi
Kurang satu lagi
Perlu tengok semula fail asal
Seriously ??? Again?
Tak save lagi 😑😑😑
2 hours work gone ashtray
This second minah mmg jenis blur sejak dulu
Nasib baiklah ada common sense
Offer diri check manually
Dan tambah dlm list sendiri
Takkan kami nak ulang kali ke3
Hmm...adab ke laut
Muka selamba tak nampak guilty
Not a single word of apology

4.40 proceed with another task
Many things to consider
ie pertimbangan dan ihsan
We really clueless when the number not enough
Or something is very low
Have to cut paste here and there
Compare files
Search data
Repetitive work 😭😭😭
We called the boss several times
The boss also called us several times
He should submit this work by today
By 5.50 we decided to just list down till the lowest
And top it up with the highest rank from second list
We have done our best for 6 hours
So let the boss make the final decision
What a day πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

But malu dengan boss kerja mudah je
Tpi slow
Memanglah renyah
Tapi bila ada member yg tak competent

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Bila tak boleh terima kritikan...

Bila diamanahkan sesuatu tugas
Pastilah kita akan usahakan yg terbaik
Adakalanya kita bertanya hanya untuk menguji kefahaman
Dan bagaimana mereka menjawabnya...
Bukan maksudnya suruh ikut apa yang ditanya

Yang tak seronoknya bila tugas dah selesai
Macam2 pula yg didengari...
Bukan dari yg ditanya
Tapi dari sumber yg mendengar luahan pihak yang mengendalikan yang ditanya
Kononnya yg ada title ni bila bertanya macam nak tunjuk hebat
Walaupun sebenarnya tak tahu apa
Yang ditanya makin kelirulah

Jika boleh saya tak perlu fikir dah
Sebab dah lepas
Dan saya pun tiada title
Tapi saya ni pun termasuk golongan yg bertanya 🀣
Dan teringat2 pula
Coz tiada niat nak tunjuk hebat pun
Sedih orang fikir begitu

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Bila meletop....

Bila ada byk kerja
Dah terlepas juga deadline
So have to set a new deadline
Pun macam tak terkejar
Padahal customer dah lama hantar since feb kot
Resubmit mac pula
Tapi tu la dokumen customer pun serabut juga 😰
Tu yg makan masa
Tak tahu nak mula dari mana
Terpaksa rujuk sini sana
Bila dah dapat new idea rupanya ada org buat the same....
Daku kecewa

Risau dengan performance kerja
Risau membebankan customer yg mengejar 29 june
Risau melibatkan org lain and her future
So mmglah beremosi bila ada yg mengganggu dan terganggu

Ya kita perlu memuliakan tetamu
Tetamu itu bawa rezeki
Tapi adakalanya buat stress dan jadi beban pula
Yg bukan pun tetamu betul pun
Memanglah budak lagi
Tapi ada yg dah 13 tahun

Sebelum ni ada je budak di rumah ni
Tapi perangai tak serupa ni
Semua benda nak kena suruh
Bila disuruh belum tentu buat
Semua benda nak kena ingatkan
Bila dah ingatkan belum tentu buat terus

Asyik berkurung dlm bilik
Semalam siap kunci bilik lagi
Dahlah tak bgn sendiri
Nak kena kejut
Nak makan pun kena kejut/panggil juga
Dah panggil pun tak keluar
Bila keluar sorang je
Kita pulak nak cepat
Klu tak nak makan certain food kita nak simpan
Takut basi
Bila suruh sorang pi tanya, yg sorang lagi respon kata tak tahu
Takkan tak tahu nk mkn or not
Org byk kerja yg nk kena buat
Perlu tunggu dia pulak
Sorrylah nk layan perangai gini
Hah! Meh I pi tanya
Kata tak nak pulak
Mmg kena jeritlah
Ingat puteri ke????

Hah dua2 org kena sound
Datang sini jgn nak mengada2
Kami bukan kawan2 or org gaji korang
Org dah bersusah payah beli, makanlah
Siap asingkan kuah coz takut pedas
Ni tak nak makan pula...
Kan membazir je
Tak fikir org belikan utk dia
Tak kesian ke?
Cuba hargai org beli tu
Ada org tak dapat makan pun

Tu tak termasuk yg biadap
Buat muka sentap
Buat tahu bila ditegur
Tak pun berani meninggi suara
Tapi bila ada benda yg nak dari kita
Pandai pulak datang dekat

Bukan nak buka aib
Cumanya nak kongsi nilah realiti budak2 zaman sekarang
Mereka ni pun saya rasa idoklah teruk mana
Ada yg lagi macam2...
See besarnya cabaran
Beratnya tanggungjawab ibu bapa dan guru dan mendidik mereka ni

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

MCO Activity: House

Bila lama stay@village
Macam2 yg baru perasan
Contoh ini ....

Hmm...ada leaking
Sayangnya baru cat last year

Takpun rongga or kesan gini

So makin susah hati
Kerja office bertimbun2
Rumah sendiri pun ada problem
Sini pun ada juga 😭

Tak mau makin parah
Kita pun buat pencarian
Dan cuba call
Eh!! Terus deal???
Nak cepat???
Tapi bila pihak berkenaan datang
Rupa2nya hanya tinggal kesan je
Culpritnya tak kelihatan pun dalam rumah 🀦‍♀️
Betul juga ya...
So minta diskaun
But still mahal
Ya di luar rumah mmg wujud

Ni cara penghapusan melalui umpan

Tapi hati dah terkilan 😭😭😭

Tapi pihak tu pun terkilan coz I terkilan
Tak tahulah nak gelak atau makin terkilan πŸ˜…
Bila I cakap lesson learnt
Dia salah faham pulak
Coz thot it meant for his company
Hello it for myselflah 😁....
1. Tak buat carian di internet pasal that culprit
2. Tak buat carian pasal cara hapus
3. Tak buat carian pasal kaedah syarikat kawalan
4. Tal buat carian pasal kos
5. Kurang cari company
6. Terburu2...tak fikir panjang
7. Tak buat apa yg dirancang dari awal...survey
8. Tak tanya apa proses sepatutnya
9. Terus setuju dgn first company price without survey the others
10. Tak buat pemeriksaan dulu baru keluarkan sebutharga
11. Dah deal baru terfikir macam2
12. Dah deal baru check kadar
13. Dah deal baru rasa mahal
14. Dah datang, baru tau tidaklah teruk mana pun
15. Bila pantau kerja, macam senang je buat sendiri
16. Dah siap kerja baru cakap

Nak sedapkan hati
Coz risau
Coz nak cepat
Better cegah awal sebelum parah
Leave the work to the pro
Sendiri pun byk kerja
Orang lain pun tak kisah
If so mesti dah lama usahakan
It's done...No turning back
Think positive
Thing happened for a reason
Be grateful

Friday, June 12, 2020

MCO Activitu: Gardening Episode5

Getting red
And dry
And itchy 😰

But still pedih
Bila kena air
Esok nak buang kulit tersiat tuh

So aktiviti mencangkul dilarang sehinggalah sembuh

Thursday, June 11, 2020

MCO Activity: Gardening Episode4

See punyalah bersungguh
Dok bersihkan tepi rumah dengan cangkul
Tak sedar Sampai melecet jari
Dan tersiat kulit
Pedihlah kena air

Punyalah beria gardening
Pesan brg dari orang lain
Keluar beberapa kali
Pi Nursery
Pi 3 kedai hardware
Beli benih atau anak pokok
Beli pasu
Beli polybag
Beli tapis
Beli besen
Tak jumpa long planter box, tebuk sendiri
Potong botol juga buat ala hidroponik
Beli tanah
Beli baja
Beli pagar besi nak buat trellis
Beli pvc pipe
Beli biji benih atau pokok
Google cara penanaman
Google cara penjagaan

Semai dari benih
Buat ala trellis
Eksperimen bekas tanam, penyiraman air, pendedahan cahaya, pembajaan dan lokasi

Untuk harini pi bersihkan tepi rumah yg telah ditambak dan disimen
Penuh dengan tanah, rumput liar, saki baki pembakaran sampah, bahan binaan dan beberapa sport rims lama
Coz nak susun pokok limau, daun kari dan lain2 dalam pasu

Selipar terjatuh ke bawah
Jumpa lipan, katak, anak cicak hutan
Byk jenis juga haiwan menjalar...ala2 gonggok
Dekat2 situ pun ada kera 🀦‍♀️πŸ˜…

Ya kita beria nak menanam
Nak bersihkan kawasan
Nak cantikkan rumah

Baru nak mula
Dah bising disuruh siram pokok
Tapi dirumah ni saya seorang sajakah?
Memang saya yg beli dan tanam
Apa salahnya ada rasa tanggungjawab sama2?
Bukan hanya harap pd org yg membeli dan menanam tu seorang
Maka tak hairanlah taman yg saya bina di depan rumah lebih 10ntahun dulu dah jadi gondol
Pokok bunga yg dibeli dulu2 ada yg mati tak terjaga

Bila dah separuh masa
Bising pula ...jangan pi sodok tembok
Nanti runtuh
Bila pulak i buat tu?
Takkanlah i nak buat!!!
I pi buang tanah dan sampah yg datang entah dari mana2...
I hanya padatkan tembok dan kawasan yg senget supaya rata
Bising lagi...
Jangan tutup lubang
Macamlah I tak nampak kan...

Nasib baiklah I nak buat
Kalau tak, terbiar je
Bila I buat
Bising pula 🀦‍♀️

So sebenarnya nak apa????
Bila buat tak tahu di kata pemalas
Beria buat pun tak puas hati

Belajarlah bersyukur
Belajarlah menghargai
Jika sendiri pun tak nak buat
Jika sendiri pun tak mampu buat
Diam itu lebih baik

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

MCO Activity: Accesories Shopping Episode2

Hi everything...
Finally the day has come
Have you arrive at your kampung???
I heard certain people departed as early as 12.01 am this morning 🀣🀣
But please remember
Kita masih boleh menang
So please be careful
And be safe

I just came back from my bro's house just now
And saw this package

Finally my charms arrived 😍

Anxiety attack

WFH did not run smoothly 😰😭
I got migraine attack
And I notice these two days I had anxiety
Feeling worry
Sometimes shortness of breath
Sometimes fast heart rate
Sometimes hissing in my ears
Not sure due to coffee for my brekky
Or high histamine level
Or due to my urgent work of checking/editing customer's document
And the deadline is the day after tomorrow

Please forgive me
Please grant me good health
Please stop my worry
Please help me
Please guide me
Please ease my work

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Aktiviti PKP : Gardening Episod 2

Buat sekian kali
Setelah diluahkan apa yg terbuku di hati
Buatlah yg bikin hati happy 😍
Penaik aura seri 😘😘

Hari ini
Tamatlah PKPB
Esok hari
Maka bermulah PKPP

Duhai pepohon sawi
Tolonglah membesar dan meninggi
Agar dapat ku nikmati
Sebelum ku merentas negeri 😘😘😍

Just say nothing

When the selection process is conquered by certain party
When we had difficulty to give opinion due to technical issue
When we tried to overcome that by typing messages
But our messages were ignored
When we tried to rejoin
Still the same problem occured
What more we can do?

When certain people could not brain why certain other people didnt perform at their early stage
So we uttered thing to ponder
Not everyone who excellent in knowledge can deliver it really well
Still they were firm with their opinion
And kept on repeating it
So we just kept quiet
Why ???
Because we were that kind of people too πŸ˜…πŸ˜
After all  right from the start our opinion have already been ignored
By knowing our weaknesses
Why I can sense the second class look from them?

It is normal to have different opinion
That is the idea of meeting to discuss and come out with the best possible solution
But why did not consider the outdated info in important document prepared by someone?
Yes it is supertiny flaw...
But if this important info can be overlooked
How we gonna rely on her work later?
Why doing something as a partimer when she can do so fulltime?
What she has being doing all this while?
It was too long
This issue just fled away
Nobody care

When certain people worry about the justification of rejecting that someone either by the boss or her relative
And other people gave a hint to have an eye at that particular someone
We smell something fishy
So we uttered the fishiness 😁
Nobody respond and let alone listen
Where is the integrity?
BE FAIR to all !!!!
Why should we be afraid if we have strong justification
At least I have done mypart by raising my concern

Lastly, is it fair to suddenly change the guidance?
When the boss said three,
why you just put two only
Why not giving chance to all
Then let them shine
And do their best
After all we never know due to certain circumstances
All  can be selected

Monday, June 8, 2020

Let's gardening

From imagination πŸ˜‡ πŸ’­
We sketch ✍ 🎨
From sketch πŸ–Ό
We make it into realityπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ 🌱
Slowly πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ•”πŸ•”
but getting there 🌿
Hopefully every plant grows well
And serves its purpose

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Cara berbeza

Ya cara berbeza
Ya cara masing2
Itu soal peribadi

Tapi bila soal kerja
Perlu adil dan menghargai
Memanglah kita bukan bagus
Tapi kita dah share bhn dengan boss justifikasi memilih dan mengambil
Dengan niat nak bantu mudahkan kerja dia
Coz kita pun pernah berada di posisi dia
Kita pun ada pengalaman memilih
Alih2 dia pi tanya org lain pasal kriteria
Org lain tu pun hanya ada sekali pengalaman memilih 😁
Dan tak pernah mengambil pun
Semasa memilih tu pun kami yg bantu beri justifikasi
So adilkah begitu?
Adil dari segi meletakkan sesuatu pd tempatnya
Org tu pun bila diminta sediakan/komen psl kriteria pemilihan
malam2 buta call kita bincang pasal tu 🀣🀣🀣
Seperti biasa masa dia boss kredit dia dapat sorang πŸ˜…

Tapi bila soal kerja
Tak boleh bias
Kumpulan lain semua senior jadi ketua
Kumpulan kami tiba2 digabungkan dan junior jadi ketua
Pelik ...
Tapi faham statusnya lebih tinggi
Dan dia pun orang kuat boss
Mostly dia yg buat
Boss pantau je 🀦‍♀️πŸ˜…
Dan kadang2 dia pun lebih tahu dari boss
Rujuk dia terus 🀣🀣🀣

Tapi bila soal kerja
Perlulah ikut kata boss
Boss suruh gabung
Yg tak gabung apahal?
Kita pun tertunggulah
Bila nak mesyuaratnya
Risau kita dah buat plan
Tiba2 ada adhoc meeting

Tapi bila soal kerja
Perlu buat betul2 bukan cincai
Perlu ada kata sepakat
Bila boss dah suruh pilih
Kita perlu buat
Tapi tak boleh buat
Sebab tidak dilibatkan
Nak pilih perlu semak dan bincang bersama
Sejak bila pula ada sesi shortlisted oleh orang tertentu sebelum sesi bincang dan pilih?
How to ensure this certain people have gone thru all aspect?
What if they overlooked?
Is it fair to the applicant?
Jika ada beratus permohonan sekalipun
Jika nak jimat masa sekalipun
Jika nak memudahkan sekalipun
Semua ahli perlu diberitahu proses dan dilibatkan dari awal
This is not because beria nak terlibat
Banyak lagi tugas lain
I pun dok selalu migrain
Tapi keliru dengan prosedurnya
Lagipun ni amanah TUGAS !!!!
Should be taken seriously !!!
Ada dokumen sebelum ni yg byk silap bila diuruskan oleh org yg sama
Masih tak ambil pengajarankah?
Do something properly if not perfectly
Tak guna cepat siap
Jika dokumen hampeh
Sanggupkah baiki byk kali hanya semata2 nak cepat
Bak kata my colleague maybe we seem conventional
Coz we have the experience of being the boss πŸ˜…πŸ˜πŸ€£

The drawback of being vocal
You seem menyibuk
Orang tak suka
And avoid to work with you 😁

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Manusia memang macam-macam

People see what they wanna see

Sometimes we just share/comment something at social media
thing that we thot is funny
Or how determine we are in doing something
We meant something else
But people interpret it differently
That is ok...
Coz maybe our statement is not clear
Or maybe we used unsuitable word

What is NOT OKAY are
#when people said something unappropriate/rude
#When people ask us to read carefully
like we just read without thinking/understanding
But they dont even read our other comment
#When people simply accused us of buying artificial item even though we did not say or show anything about it
#When people highlighted their preference
While condemning others
when we did not ask about theirs
when we even do not interested to know
#When people ranted about basic thing
like we dont know anything

Sometimes we just share something as precaution
To ask others to be careful
To avoid the same thing happens to others
For example cat attack
But people accused that we did not tell the complete story
accused that the cat were treated badly

To err...this kind of people
If you do not have anything nice to say
Just shut up
If you dont understand the whole situation
Just ask
If you want to give opinion
Please learn how to do so
If you want to judge other
Please reflect yourself first
If you never meet or know someone
Dont simply accuse she is doing something that she never did
If you think you are good
Dont look down on other people
If it never happen to you
Dont simply think people are lying

You are not always right
Other people not always right too
What is definitely not right
when you push other people to follow what you like/want/do/how you do it

If there is any different just accept it
Hormati pilihan orang lain
Selami situasi orang lain
Raikan perbezaan
Masing2 punya minat
Masing2 punya keinginan
Masing2 punya tujuan
Masing2 punya cara
Masing2 punya pendapat
Masing2 punya kepuasan yg tersendiri
Masing2 punya kebahagiaan terhadap sesuatu  yg tersendiri
Masing2 punya situasi
Masing2 punya gaya hidup sendiri
Masing2 punya pilihan
Masing2 punya duit sendiri
Ikut sukalah nak minat/buat/cara apa
Itu hak mereka
Mereka tak minta duit awak
Awak pun tak tanggung hidup mereka

Kerdilkah anda?

Hi everything....
Awat gini?
I perasan trend ni 1/2 bulan ni
So terikut juga tanpa cari maklumat 🀣

Awal pagi ni bukalah FB
Tapi hmm....
Terkesan dengan penulisan
Dalam mengaku diri kerdil
Menerima insan yg ada "sejarah tersendiri"
Atau yg kebiasaannya insan yg "sukar"
Tak sedar telah meninggi diri
Tak sedar telah melukakan hati pihak yg pernah menolak
Anda tak berada dalam situasi pihak tersebut!!!
Anda tak berurusan dengan insan yg "dulu"
Yg mgkin berubah bila diberi peluang kedua
So kenapa tidak terus jalankan tugas anda
tanpa mengungkit kisah pihak lain?
Nak tunjuk apa sebenarnya?

Kerdilkah anda ?
Jika biasa pertikai itu pertikai ini
Semuanya salah
Anda saja betul
Yg dlm negara konon membebankan
Yg dlm negara entah apa2
Yg luar negara hebat
Yg luar negara sempoi
Nak komen tak salah
Nak menegur tak salah
Nak membetulkan tak salah
Tapi ada cara dan adabnya

Ni untuk reflek diri sendiri juga
Jika tak mampu menolong
Jangan menghina
Jika tak mampu berkata baik
Jangan bersuara
Jika tak mampu berlawak
Jangan mempersenda
Jika tak mampu menghormati
Jangan biadap
Jika tak mampu nak mengenang semua
Jangan senaraikan lansung

Bila bercakap pasal reflek diri pun
Perlu bijak mencari guru dan ilmu juga
Ada yg boleh buat kita rasa down
Mengenang betapa kotornya hati...
Betapa jahil, jahat dan banyak dosa kita
Ada juga yg buat kita rasa insaf
Malah bersemangat untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan....

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Sombong bongkak

Pagi tadi
macam biasa menyapu luar
dan jenguk kebun tiny mini dulu
Then pi tanam snake plant
Kan sedang viral sekarang
Padahal kurang berkesan sebagai penapis habuk
dan pembersih udara πŸ˜….
Tak apalah
Masih ada manfaat
Penghias ruang
Sumber ketenangan πŸ’•

Tengok pokok mmg tenang
Tapi tunggu nasi lemak bikin hati panas
Tak sampai2 walaupun dah 9am
Nak call kot dia sibuk delivery
Bila suruh pi jenguk
Guess what?
Tak buat pun coz konon ada tetamu
Hmm...that is it
sorrylah nak order lagi

Bila WFH
Hati perlu kental
Kena bertahan bila dikata sombong bongkak
Padahal kita menegur untuk kebaikan
Padahal kita melarang untuk elak keaiban
Padahal kita berdiam coz tak mau berbalah
Mungkin cara kita salah
Maka perlu perbaiki diri

Bila WFH
Perlu bertabah
Abaikan bila dikata pemalas tak membantu
Hanya tuhan yg tahu
Betapa stuggle nak jalankan tugas pejabat di rumah
Perlu menyambil dengan kerja rumah juga
Susah nak fokus kerja bila kepenatan
Tapi yg betul2 pemalas dan pengotor dibela dan disokong
Bukan remaja pun
Bukan bawah 30 tahun pun
Jangankan bekerja
Menolong kerja rumah pun tak
Lagi dibuat semak/sepah/kotor
Berkurung dlm bilik saja
Apalagi main game dan tidurlah
Hanya keluar bilik untuk makan
Bilik umpama tongkang pecah dan reban
Dan pernah tolong kemas
Tapi berterabur kembali
Dah dibelikan cadar dan langsir
Kini togel semula
Lantak dialah...bilik diakan
Tapi kenapa mencacatkan pandangan di beranda?
Semak serabut
Kenapa sepahkan ruang tv dan ruang tamu?
Kenapa dibiarkan berhabuk dan kotor dgn tahi cicak?
Sedih lihat macam rumah tinggal
Boleh mati ke kalau mengemas/membersihkan?

Bila kita suarakan ketidakpuasan hati
Takpelah tak kerja
Takpelah tak buat kerja rumah
Kan tangannya sakit
Hmmm....kita pun sakit juga
Kad temujanji hospital lebih dari 3
So antara nak tak nak je
Antara rasa bertanggungjawab atau tak

Ni peringatan dan pengajaran utk kita semua
Bila usia makin meningkat
Sepatutnya jadi contoh teladan
Makin dihormati
Tapi yg melihat dan menghadap hari2
Hati makin menjauh
Semakin hilang hormat
Alangkah bagusnya jaga ibadah dan fokus akhirat
Seperti jaga harta dan dunia
Alangkah bagusnya jaga kata dan perbuatan
Seperti kandungan tv yg kerap ditonton
Dan surat khabar yg dibaca
Alangkah bagusnya jika tidak memilih kasih
Alangkah bagusnya tidak menjalar sana sini
Alangkah bagusnya jaga kebersihan
Alangkah bagusnya jaga penampilan

Walaupun hati terluka
Walaupun hati membara
Hidup perlu diteruskan
Makan itu perlu πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜…
Inilah dinner kami ...
Menu kedai tomyam
Tapi menu resipi rahsia tak sempat ambil

Friday, May 29, 2020

Hati yg terguris

Dalam mengenang dan memuji guru hebat
Yang dihormati, disukai dan disayangi
Jagalah hati guru yg lain juga

Berhati-hatilah dalam berkata
dan bertindak
Supaya tiada guru yg terasa hati
Dan terluka
Keberkatan dalam menuntut ilmu itu penting
Biarlah berpanjangan dan berkekalan

Walau di mana anda berada
Walau tinggi mana tahap anda
Dia tetap gurumu walaupun mengajar sebatang alif
Dia tetap gurumu walaupun menegur secebis kata
Dia tetap gurumu walau seburuk mana tingkah lakunya

Inilah lumrah hidup
Ada yg dalam ingatan
Ada yg dilupakan

Bukan minta diingat
Bukan minta dipuji
Bukan cemburu
Bukan tidak profesional
Bukan tidak boleh terima

Tapi ingatlah ...
Awak juga guru
Apa yg awak buat pada guru
Lambat laun awak dapat

Mungkin si guru juga begitu dalam tidak sedar
Luka hari ini akibat kifarah perbuatan lalu
Muhasabah diri
Dan perbaiki diri

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Don't simply judge and accuse people !!!

Hello peeps

Yes those people who balik kampung
for "saja nak cuti-cuti"
"nak berehat dan bertenang di samping ayah bonda"
are really SELFISH
However please do not just simply judge, accuse and make nasty remarks to EVERYONE who balik kampung
You are not in their shoes
You never know maybe one day you will be in their shoes
Instead, why don't you pray for them
For example those who have to balik kamping
due to unforeseen circumstances
How about to look after for their sick parents?
How about students who were instructed to leave the hostel?
How about those covid19 front lines who in need for their family to look after their children?

Yes those who seemed to buy a lot
seemed in panic buying frenzy
and again selfish
But do we ask them?
May be they do so for their relatives/neighbours
who has no transport
who has financial difficulty
who are again covid19 front lines family
Or may be he is the supermarket staff like the viral post in FB πŸ˜…

Ok enough of ranting
I just wanna share my experience to KPJ today
I did not know that the main entrance is closed
And the visitors have to use the new building entrance
Luckily the driver of the buggy told me and drove me to there
Seram juga lalu di tepi covid19 screening tent

Once arrived at the foyer
I have to queue
One staff asked my intention there
Another staff check my temperature
Another staff asked for my ID card and phone number
As well as whether I have in contact with covid19 patient,
Whether I recently came back from overseas
Or in contact with those who came back from overseas
And Whether I have fever
Finally at the entrance another  staff asked me to sanitize my hand
I saw hand sanitizer everywhere
Be it at the customer service counter,
Outside the elevator
On the specialist clinic counter
On the specialist table
On the speacilist sink

At first I am ok with the ear endoscopy procedure
But quite scary when the specialist do the nasal endoscopy procedure
I hardly breath πŸ˜…

When I went to the pharmacy
I'm impressed with the distance tag on the seat
But I am not happy with the medicine bill πŸ˜…
Here they are ....

Then, I went for mask and hand sanitizer hunting
Out of stock at Watson

As I was queing at AEON
I saw a notice
Hand sanitizer is available at customer service counter
For customer to use or buy?
Definitely to buy
But Two bottles limit at AEON

No stock at Wellness pharmacy

No limit buying at Caring

No limit buying at Guardian
The just arrived hand sanitizer

But I hate the smell πŸ˜…

May Allah protect us from Covid19
May this pandemic ends soon

Monday, March 16, 2020

Terikut panic buying????

Petang I pi Grand Union,
Nak beli barang2 yg memang dah habis
macam bawah ni...

Bila sampai,
terkejut tengok ramai orang.
Pulak tu mostly beli beras, mee segera dan biskut
Memanglah ada dengar2 juga mungkin ada lockdown
Tapi tak sangka pula ramai yg kalut
I ended up membeli juga
Tapi beli yg bukan2 macam ni

Bila pi speedmart
Pun ramai orang
Ada yg dok beli mee segera
pelbagai perisa dan jenama
lebih 5 bungkus kot

Balik rumah check phone
Ramai yg panik buying rupanya
Beli beras berkampit2
Beli telur berpapan
Byk rak dah kosong

Then tak lama lepas tu
Dok tonton dalam tv perutusan PM
Perintah kawalan pergerakan
Baguslah untuk mengawal
dan cegah penyebaran covid 19

Semoga kita dilindungi
Dan dijauhkan dari segala musibah

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Free gift

Kisah semalam
Bila dah stress
Kita pi tempah baju
Kita pi shopping...
Beli benda yg tak perlu

Relief la sikit
Bila tengok free gifts
Dan buy 1 free 1 masks

When dealing with others...

Yup! It is hard to deal with others

OMG I couldn't control myself 😰
I ran amok with admin staff in front of second boss
I have made a complain to him about unfair issue on 19 feb.
But till monday nothing change
He said he has already contacted the relevant department
But cannot do anything anymore
The selection is based on seniority
Then why didn't he update that with me

Then I directly contacted the relevant department
Guess what???
They can make the change
So where the term "cannot do anything anymore" came from?
But of course I have to get the approval from my team member

At the first place that team member suppose to be the person in charge
He is more suitable than I am due to the fact he is the coordinator
Not me !!!!
Unfortunately he seemed reluctant to in charge formally
He just wanna help me 🀦‍♀️
But what will happen if something happened?
Who is the person in charge on the event day?
Whose name in the appointment letter?
Alhamdulillah finally he agreed
So I wrote an email to the relevant department and cc to him to make the change formally and gave the justification as well.

Unfortunately since then he just ignored my whatsapp messages, phone calls amd email
I feel like a beggar
Did he angry with me????
The document that he shared is print disable
So I cant print it
Whereas I really need it
As a benchmark for my customers works
I suppose to settle my task by today
Unfortunately due to that I have to postpone it
It is a burden for me to just read the doc in the phone
I can't even read it in my laptop due to internet problem
I am really stress about this.
Why he did this to me???

That is why I do not like...
 to do certain task in team
Or depend on others
Dealing with others ...
either it gonna ease or burden our work
Either it gonna complete in a short or long time
Either I gonna happy or upset...

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Cat, nasi kak wok, kepok lekor and me

Series of cat and me at home are nothing new
But at my workplace it kinda new

when I arrived at the office foyer
Suddenly the fierce looking kitten ran after my nasi kak wok πŸ˜…
A phobia me was really in panic mode
Just imagine I just stood still while swinging the nasi kak wok plastic bag away from the kitten
But definitely later I felt dizzy when I have to spin around when the kitten kept on chasing my nasi kak wok

The kitten kept following me wherever I went
So the series of chasing and spining happened several times
Then only I thought of swinging my handbag at it
No!!! I didn't hit it
Just to kept it stop from chasing my nasi kak wok
And even raised my voice to stop it
It even wanna follow me when I got into the lift
Again my handbag was my saviour

No one came to help me
They just laughing at me, smiling or just ignoring me
Hello this was not a joke
I was really upset
I guess they don't know people who afraid of cat do exist
It is called ailurophobia

In the evening
When I was about to leave the building
It happened again
This time the kitten chased after my kepok lekor
I acted fast and swing my handbag to it
And hurriedly left the building πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Friday, February 14, 2020


Sometimes  when we often pass through certain areas
We might not notice what have been there for so long
The same thing happened to me
There is a wall of Frame at our unit
The funny thing only two photos of us were hamging there which were taken 3-4 years back
And no one bother to add more photos nor take it down

2 years ago I thought of took it down
That is when the first new boss were in charge
After all it is not ok since I am not 'covered'
But later I forgot about it

End of last year we got another new boss
But still I forgot about it
Until early of this year
I asked the clerk to take the photos down
Due to the "cover" issue
But she could not do it
So I told her to do it later
Once again I forgot about it

Today a colleague told me
The new boss took it down
And asked the clerk to keep it
The clerk told him what I have asked her
And why I did so
Guess what the boss said
" Not because of that, This is my instruction"

So arrogant
Hmm when people at the top position
Sometimes they forgot themselves
Did he forget he was not the chosen one
Not even the candidate for that position
So he is totally not eligible for that position
But due to favouritism he is currently there
And very keen to be there
After all I know that the seniors do not prefer him to be there
I knew that he took his previous position for granted just to get more side income by overuling me
and later hidden plan with the ex boss
So you see previously he did something for himself
He may does the dirty trick again
Moreover just after 3 months in the position he is busy with the paid external work
And leave his main work to his strong supporters
Big money big money πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
So he get his salary, position allowance and external payment
Awal2 dah lepas tangan
Up to him

But when it involves me
I am not comfortable
I guess he did not like me
Why I said so?
First one he did not give me any credit for the document that I have prepared
Second one he did not appoint me as leader in any important program so far when the other so called 'senior" are appointed
Am I not good enough?
Do not know anything?
Anyway I ok about it
I got so many other things to do
The the third one
But that photos incident
Really made me piss off

And last one...
The ex colleague also upset with him
He forgot that the ex was the one who promoted him here ....
When one bites the hand who feeds one

Cekodok Rice cooker

For brekky this morning
I had these cekodok

Why rice cooker?
See my previous post 😁
Please ignore the ugly looking pot
Dengan kesan kunyitlah
Dengan kesan goresan pisaulah
Apa yg I masak dulu hah 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Reminiscing the OZ days

Now is lunch hour
Since baru terkial2 nak ganti puasa
Maka duduk dalam ofis diam2
Need to complete online doc for tommorow

Since I got very short attention span
Mata melilau sana sini
Dan terpandanglah ....

Looking at these charms...
Reminiscing those up and down days in OZ
Ms Fairy bought the first three charms back in 2012 on spring 
and definitely loves the blooming flowers
And loves to take the pictures of them
However Ms Fairy did not remember where did she bought the fourth charm
In OZ or Malaysia?
It represents one of the important symbol for her PhD studies
O Allah...please grant her rizq to go there again and enjoy the breeze  of the beautiful ocean and the view of the moutains as well as the yummy fish and chips....

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Trust yourself

As usual on saturday
No matter how long my to do list
I ended up doing nothing 🀦‍♀️
Except eat/IG/FB/TV/sleep
Adalah sikit dok study something
Tu pun terkial-kial
And brief discussion via whatsapp with my colleague about our trip next weekend

Last nite my neighbour gave me bananas

Since belum sesuai nak buat pisang goreng
I buat kerepek je la for my brekky
Goreng juga keropok lekor

Dah kenyang brekky
Macam ada bau pelik di ruang tv
Hangit? Gas?
So terus pi dapur
Dapur gas dah off
Takde pulak bau tu

After lunch pun ada bau lagi
Pi hidu ke dapur takde pulak bau tu
Pi hidu microwave bau lain pulak πŸ˜…
Entah2 ada yg slowly burning
Check suis and tutup

Nearly 9pm ada semula bau tu
Pi dapur lagi
Buka kabinet yg ada tong gas
Takde pulak bau gas

Tapi tak lama lepas tu hati tak sedap
Buka pintu kabinet lebih lebar
Dah pi hidu dekat2 tong gas
Ada bau pelik
Dan ada hissing sound
Kelam kabut
ketar lutut
Jangan panik
Jangan panik

Biar pintu kabinet terdedah
Nak buka tingkap tak sampai
Terpaksa buka pintu dapur
Nasiblah kalau jiran nampak my messy kitchen
Then baru berani pi tutup habis suis gas tu
Pulas ke atas terus
Selama ni dok biar je suis tu ke bawah
Degil dan malaskan
Kalau di kampung mmg kena bebel la
Bila dah settle masak
Perlu pulas suis ke kanan
So now rehat memasaklah
Until I can find someone to check what is wrong

Moral of the story
The moment we feel/smell/hear something is wrong
Trust ourself and act quickly...

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Shopping on New Year

I ambil cuti hari Jumaat lepas
Plannya nak bangun awal
Dan balik kampung after subuh

Tapi malamnya tak larat nak packing
Nak kemas rumah pun tak larat
Sesudahnya awal pagi jumaat ...
Terkial2 lipat baju nan bergunung
Kemas dan sapu rumah atas bawah
Basuh baju lagi
Siap package tonton movie lagi
Sesudahnya bertolak balik kampung after 3 15pm
Alhamdulillah jalan tak sesak
Hanya slow dari USJ ke Putra Height
Tu pun sebab ada lori pecah tayar

Hari Sabtu pi Alamanda
Dah on the way baru risau kot slow traffic
Alhamdullillah lancar walaupun byk kereta
Plan utamanya nak beli skincare

Dalam setahun ni muka I tiba2 naik pigmentation teruk
Dark circle juga
Perlulah buat sesuatu
I used potato for Natural remedies
But need to use proper skincare as well
Menyesal pula dulu stop dermalogica
Then pi campur2 pakai
Ni nak try new brand pulak

Bila buat skin analysis...
Spot - 55 yo
Wrinkle - 51 yo
Firmness- 55 yo
Kulit muka tua dari usia sebenar
Luckily ada yg penyejuk hati
texture -31 yo

So inilah dia skincarenya 😍😍😍

Eh! Awat ada assecory/jewellery pulak 🀣🀣🀣
Just to reward myself as what the SA convinced me
It's been a while since I last wore my pandora
I just remembered about my collection when I saw my senior wearing hers three weeks ago
But when I tried to wear my bracelet I have to take out several charms 🀦‍♀️🀦‍♀️🀦‍♀️
Faham2 je la bila tangan makin montel
Anyway I feel happy when I wear it again
However it quite a hasle for me to fasten and open the clasp of the bracelet ...
So this problem justified the impulse buying of my new open bangle
But a bit dissapointed when on the next day I saw the price offered by the overseas PS is cheaper with RM145 difference.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Disaster at the end of the year ...

Hello there
Happy New Year
What are your new year resolution?
I have yet to write mine due to my hectic schedule and end year disaster...

On 5th december 2019
Someone made complaint that the water pump is not functioning

Accordingly I asked the technician to fix whatever the problem is.
It happened that the pump was awashed in the stagnant water and caused the blown motor.
Despite the doubt on how did it happened and why it suddenly happened after nearly two years,
I still have to pay nearly RM400 for the new motor.
I even asked the technician opinion if he should put the pump on higher platform or cover it from rain
But he said it is not nessecary.
Due to that I have reminded 'the people staying there' to be extra careful and be alert with stagnant water.

Guess what?
I got another complaint at end of December
Whenever they turn on the switch it will trip
Oh NO!!!! One after another
When I questioned them...
I cant believe my eyes when I read their messages...
The pump is awashed in water again....
How should I react when same thing happened twice???
After my reminder???
What a dissapointment with this could not be bother attitude....
They know that the pump is important
They will be uncomfortable if it not functioning
So why they just let it happen again?
Just because the pump is not belong to them?
They think I gonna pay for it
So who should bear the cost for this time?
Definitely not me ....
And dont blame me !!!

Here is another story...
Last time when people wonder about a particular available space in our unit
Without further a due I asked the relevant staff about it.
When certain people raised the issue last week
I told them about whom I contacted and what info that I got
Today the issue is raised again
Guess what?
Someone shared the info and her action without any credit to me ...
Thank you for doing this to me