Apo bondo eh tu...hahaha..
Lobih tolur kuning tuh, den buek egg sandwich for my brekky n lunch on tuesday. Bila check my presentation slides, terkejut tengok that is not the latest slides. Just think positive, hopefully I saved it in my laptop at home and maybe forget to save it in my pendrive. Bila pi jumpa my-co, dia comment lagi my paper n tanya den paham ke apa den buek tuh. Then pi jumpa pakcik, bagitau dah jumpa my-co...dia pun kata we can discuss after the correction...e..eh ngelat pulak pakcik ni. Dia pun tanya whether I understand or not with certain element in my paper. So, of course that nite...I tried to read the related articles and ended up getting confuse...hah???? That nite, I cooked this gulai nenas ikan masin, hasil intaian di rumah Umie. Thank you umie...Tak taulah ikan masin jenis apa n dari kurun ke berapa ..cam dah lamo jo. Guna nenas dalam tin je. So, semestinya menjadi my lunch for wednesday.
Yo yo lah den siapkan boka tu kan...Dah hujan lobek pulak...dari pagi sampai potang..e..eh tak!!! beronti jap maso tongahari tuh...sesudah eh jadi santapan den kek umah jo hehehe. Elok gak tak pi uni...kek umah memang den pulun pahamkan nota n artikel dari journal n baiki lagi my paper buat kali ntah keberapa. Kuek berfikir, otak ponek, badan lagi ponek...porut pun lapar. Tu yg tak sodar diri malam tu dah makan nasi ngan banyaknya..pi melantak pulak carrot cake Miss A. Ingat tak pasal presentation slides tu..bila check in my lappy pun, bukan yg latest. Ni mesti gara2 drag je folder dari lappy-pendrive-office desktop-pendrive...sampai lupa mana yg dah di update. Tak pasal-pasal kena edit n tokok tambah lagi, buang maso den jo. Moralnya...save in different folder, to avoid confusion.
I made sausages bread pizza this morning...the first slice with roti+bawang rentung
and the second slice with extra sauce and cheese...
Yo Kak jah woi..den tau pizza tu ala2 rentung coz den tinggalkan sokojap maso den poie bersiram pagi tadi....Kalut gak pi uni...pi jumpa Mek Nab (hehehe National Bank of Australia), to register for online payment access. Tak pasal2 bukak another account which called as iSavers ...memang tujuan untuk lebih pandai berjimat pun hehehe. Tetiba pakcik pun pi bank gak, he queued right behind me. I told him I wanna discuss something with him.
Bila dah sampai opis, banyak kali jenguk..tutup je bilik dia. Tapi cam dengar suara dia. Then, I went to see my-co and asked her about things that have been bordering me since last nite and also to submit the latest draft of my paper. So, jumpa pakcik just to give that draft. Pelik pulak, tetiba my-co datang bilik den n tanya -is your room ok? She said that she has to move to another room. Hmm is it my room??? So, maybe I have to move too...which room??? Now, I'm sharing this room with another Malaysian girl...I'm really hope that I don't have to move in the cramp and crowded room of 6 or more students. Anyway, I'm still struggling with my prop writing...huhuhu...
I ate 1 1/2 slice of that pizza this afternoon..then, punyalah tak sedar diri masih ada ruang untuk banana muffin...benda free kan. Then, I went to city to buy groceries but ended up buying something else instead...woman huh...For dinner, I had the last slice of the pizza+ a mug of milo+4 pieces biscuit...cap ping pong tuh...Kesimpulannya, my diet adalah fail...mula melantak nasi n makan banyak benda yg tinggi kandungan karbo n lemak....
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