Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Haritu terasa kesan earthquake in the hostel....
Tiba2 last night berlaku lagi ...
Ada bangunan merekah dan dinding bersepai berteraburan
Alhamdulillah sempat lari dan selamat
Dan kami kembali ke hostel
Entah macam ada yg perasan ada org pasang camera dalam bathroom.
Habislah....semuanya org tu dh nmpk
Ok...cabut dan buang
Kena hati2...jgn sampai dia tahu kami yg buat
Sedang berehat...
Tiba2...earthquake berlaku lagi
Eh where is my mum
Kenapa relax je
Panggil buat tak tahu je
Takkan nak pasrah je
Kuatkan hati
Lari semula and grab her
Alhamdulillah semua selamat

Celik mata ...dah 6am.
Apada....punya mimpi...
Ada sambungan hari berbeza πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Avocado for brekky ...

Pagi tadi semangat waja
7.30 pi brisk walk for 3 round
Balik sapu porch
Then had brekky....

Guess what...this brekky really fullfilling. I really love super creamy avocado...
just eat like that or as guacomole

Then definitely I have to push myself to do house chores. Sawang byk. Penyapunya dah beli. Tapi idok le larat today. I am still down with flu but I am trying not to think about it. So in between doing house chores I watched tv or updating this blog. Dapur tu asyik sepah le. Padahal bukan masak pun πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ dan semalam dah kemas. Luckily harini kuat semangat nak hand washing my clothes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...selalu kumpul 1-2 weeks 😁😁😁. Eleh...tenyeh2 dan celup2 je..

Kerja ofis byk. Nak pi ofis tak larat today
Semalam lewat pi ofis
I have to tidy up/clean my super mesy and dusty house
Yes sometimes I go to office on saturday
But I can only stand for 1 hour only yesterday
It was so hot and that made me got headache
So I just packed my things
And off I went for lunch πŸ˜‚

Stopped by at the furniture shop
I was looking for a small sofa like this

But the taukeh was busy with another customer. So I  just left without asking the price.

Then pi beli barang dapur dan buah.

Memang dah lama teringin nak makan avocado dan dragon fruit. Lately cari di pasar tiada ...hmm biasa senang je cari.

Last night I should updating very important document for a program that need approval. Unfortunately, my body said no and my eyes did not co-operate as well. I was not sleepy but everything was blur....So I just watched Cooties. However, I managed to force myself  to check my customers' work while watching Pride and Prejudice and Zombies πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The culprit

I had nasi goreng kampung+paprik ayam for dinner on Thursday.
When I wake up I can feel something at my face....
Yup allergic reaction...red rashes.

So definitely it came from the anchovies+chicken from the Thai restaurant. And for thai food they must be using fish sauce that definitely make the allergic reaction worse. So, no more food from that restaurant. When I went to see the doc on thursday she said there is a patient who claimed that she/he got allergic reaction due to unfresh food. My friend also said the same thing happened to her relative....

Hmm...tu pun I tak sedar dirikan
Masaklah wei....
Awatlah beli food

Thursday, February 16, 2017

My ting tong days

Hari selasa
Ada meeting
Tapi sempat singgah memborong di mamaks
jumpa customers, ramai yang sok sek
Within 15 minutes, tiba-tiba I rasa semacam
Minta paracetamol from my staf
And I had to cancel my second meeting
Tapi sakit pun...lunch itu perlu πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Next kalut pula lengkapkan bahan to our junior customer
My colleague dah siapkan
Tapi it is not enough
And for me it is lack of something
Connection with reality?
The story behind it?

Eh!!! Tetiba ada yg datang beri ni pulak

Alhamdulillah rezeki...
Pagi kita share mamak's food
Petang kita terima dari orang lain pula

Malam tu telan ni pulak

Hari Rabu
walaupun tak larat
Kena kuat pagi itu
Perlu menghadiri perbincangan perubahan etc
Susah nak buat jika tiada makluman terperinci dan contoh
Sukar nak tambahbaik jika kita tak tahu siapa yg simpan dokumen asal dan siapa yg uruskan

Then baru tahu ada meeting with new customer
Perlulah siapkan bahan 😱😱😱
Kalut cari sana sini
Update itu iniπŸ’†πŸ’†πŸ’†

Then lama pulak dengar speech
Meeting with new customer
Ada hangin gak
Ye la dah senior kan....
Pendapatan boleh tahan...
Ada degil πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Then selak sana sini cari bhn utk junior customer lain
Balik nearly 7pm
Cari lagi....
Then from 10pm-3.15am buat keroje lain
Sebelum tu telan panadol juga
Updating presentation slides for another new customer
Tambah photos dan tables juga
Eh!!! Oh! No!!!!
I realised something is really wrong
This is due to the fact that when the boss prefer not to follow other department...
But from my checking this time we really have to follow them...
So how?
Meroyan sensorang tengah malam....
Sent email to boss n rakan sekapal
So buat dua version

Konon nak pi ofis 8am
Sedar2 dah 8.45 😱😱😱
Check email boss suruh tukar
Call boss untuk confirm
Baiki lagi...
Sempat minum milo+mkn sekut sekpg
10am kalut pi opis
Print and photocopied...
And off I went to meet the customers
Jumpa boss
Jumpa rakan sekapal
Hah!!! Berdebatlah ko
Which one to follow?
Ikut B, tak ikut turutan
Ikut P, mcm dah terlambat n bebankan pihak lain
Boss terkejut when I said it is our fault
Dah B suruh ikut P tapi kita yg degil πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
So beginilah...
This time yg awal ikut B, berikutnya ikut P
A bit terkilan
Bila boss kata my unit selalu bermasalah
I nampak masalah tu awal
So I shared to all
Why i share to them?
Coz them turut terlibat
Tak pasal2 tiba I digelar ketua geng sekapal πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Kalau sape baca sampai sini
Memang ko gigih πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Ni rekod I ya
Senang nak check for later purposes
Satu lagi nak release πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Dah jumpa new customer
Ada lewat juga due to tech prob
Kalut balik ofis
Ada colleague nak jumpa
Pulak dah... kena ubahsuai agihan kerja
Hmm...dulu pun dh sikit
Ni bila dah dpt sesuatu pun nak sikit ya...
Malas nak fikir...
Biarlah jika itu rezeki dia
Atau jika dia menipu atau mendiamkan
Maka, jawablah di akhirat nanti
Anyway tu lepas
Kita fikir sekarang
Oklah if she got suggestion
But still kena fikir kes lain pulak
Ada orang nak ringan
Ada orang rela berat coz tak mau berkongsi
Bukan senang to satisfy everybody

Nak rehat pun tak sedap hati
Lapar....makan biskut je
Whatsapp reminders itu ini
Sedar2 dah 3pm
Kalut pi jumpa commisioner of oath
Kalut pi klinik panel tp doc belum sampai
Pesakit menunggu pun ramai
Off I went to gomen clinic
Lantaklah kalau ramai pun
I was ting tong at the clinic
I kata demam, MA kata flu
I lupa pasal nombor, nurse hairan
I lupa pasal farmasi, sampai doc kena keluar and remind
Anyway ....tu dia hadaplah

Confirm flu +sinus +allergic
Patutlah ting tong pakej with sakit sendi

Semasa di klinik orang cari I
Minta data yg due esok
Keluar klinik I pula cari my staff
Minta uruskan data customer yg masih belum ditetapkan
Belum lagi nk settlekan my staff yg nak jumpa I
Adoilah macam2....
Dalam keadaan ting tong
Kuatkan hati
Pi town
Pi lawyer firm
Pi tukar bateri car key

5pm balik opis
Dah ada customer tunggu
Tak sempat nak buka pintu, dia dh cakap 😭😭😭
Jumpa my staff
Melambak keroje
Kemas barang dan balik
Eh singgah beli .....

Malam ni banyaklah nak buat
So how nak mkn ubat 😳😳😳
Takpe mkn ubat dan tidur
Then bangun awal ya...

Monday, February 13, 2017

Ayam halia

That was my dinner tonite

Ayam halia, tapi macam ayam kunyit πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Tabur almond flakes
Walhal petang dah hadap gorpis πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Tula bila stress, fikir makan je

Pagi tadi kalut pi kerja
Ada bengkel
Adoilah my colleague asyik minta bahan je

Then meeting with customer
Opps...I ran amok
Why why why??
You never change...
Awatlah idok sedar diri....
Alasan agama
Alasan ibu
Alasan kakak

Sambil meeting
Dok melayan senior colleague yg byk songeh
Tak mau hari itu
Nak hari ini
Ko pikir diri ko je kan
Tapi lupa tanggungjawab to customer
Nak decline ek...
Just make an application
Later do not ever blaim me
Well...you knew the trick huh
You wanna focus on something else
Then, org lain tak perlu buatkah???
Why did you so selfish???

Sambil meeting
Dok melayan junior colleague
Tak selesa dengan tempatlah
Ramai pulaklah
Adoilah πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

After lunch hour nak cepat2 sambung keroje
Ada pulak ex-customer datang.
Takkan nak halau πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
After 1.5 hours I need to be strong and said
"Oklah ya...thank you for coming. Saya nak prepare bhn utk meeting"
He seems shocked but understood πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Dah update name list and sent email to the relevant party
Ada discussion with another colleague
Perlu fahamkan dan buat hebahan
Nanti dituduh bukan2 lagi

Then sambung another discussion
Customer owh customer
Awatlah ada masalah tak mau inform awal2
Kan dah susah sekarang
Harus bagaimana?
Nak percaya siapa?
Oklah kita siasat
Ask both parties
And give improvement opportunity...

Kena forward reminder email
Haish semua I kena buat
Nak buat yg I punya tak boleh lagi
Tertangguh since last week
Why la di kala crucial time ada je tech prob????

Kah Kah Kah

Kalau semua orang faham
Idok le orang bertanya
Kalau semua maklumat disampaikan dengan jelas dan terperinci
Idok le orang minta buat taklimat lagi
Bukan satu tapi ramaiiiiiii
Kalau semua maklumat memang TELAH disampaikan
Idok le I tertanya2 di petang Jumaat
My coleague sekapal tertanya2 di senja jumaat
Even my boss tertanya2 di pagi minggu

Tak perlulah di ulang sebut dah buat itu ini.
Mai jawap soalan saya je
Ada keluarkan arahan rasmi ?
Pada siapakah?
1. Melalui memo bercetak?
2. Semasa mesyuarat bersama boss?
3. Semasa taklimat bersama kami?
4. Direct email?
5. Cc email?
Betulkah ko ada buat
Ada BUKTI???
Kalau TIADA...
Just admit your mistake and apologise!!!!

Psst...kalau perkara penting melibatkan perubahan besar...
1. cukup dengan taklimat yg tak jelas tukah?
2. Cc email je???
Berkualitilah sangat kan

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Nasi hampir jadi bubur

Asalnya kosong je.
And more like nasi berair
Then, hasil khidmat google I upgrade letak bawang dan halia dan lenyek sikit kasi hancur
Korek fridge jumpa leftover plain soup dan curah
So ada rasalah macam bubur
Dan rupanya hampir macam bubur
Cuma agak pekat

Then buat bawa goreng
Masak terung+bilis kicap
Hasilnya.....for my dinner


Tapi pelik
After an hour
I feel something stucked at my throat and pain in my chest....
Musykil ek...
Adakah I memang confirm dah tak boleh makan bilis atau I kunyah ayam tak hancur.
Yg kedua tu pelik...biasanya ok je
Angin kot πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Anyway in that condition I forced myself to check my customers' work...gerak la sikitkan.

This morning Off I went for a 4km brisk walk.
Then, I made these cheezy egg breadstick sandwich...

Breadstix from wednesday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Ok...jom basuh basuh, kemas rumah, hantar email dan buat kerja opis...

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Nasi tak jadi bubur ..

You see...
Pizza dan kawan-kawannya yg dibeli pada hari Rabu masih ada.
So pagi tadi I had breadstix and salad for brekky

Disebabkan selalu tonton k-drama, maka teringin nak makan bubur or nasi lembik...
Maka, tadi cubalah buat...

Lambat na nak tunggu, maka ceduk je le nasi berair tuh πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Padankan dengan ayam goreng kunyit
Tu sebenarnya marinated chicken breast yg dibeli 2 minggu lepas. I am sure rasa marinated tu dah hilang...so buat ayam kunyit je la...

Friday, February 10, 2017

Gara-gara ternampak delivery boy

Rabu petang cadangnya bila balik rumah perhangatkan tomyam je. Yelah mesyuarat petang tu dah hadap kuih 3 ketul. Tapi bila sampai simpang nak balik rumah, domino delivery boy overtook my car. Ko rasa????

Being me kan
Apalagi teringinlah.
2 hari sebelum tu mengidam makan asam.
Sangat teringin.
Cuma malas nk pi town
Cari dikedai dekat rumah hanya ada jeruk dan halwa....
Daku keciwa...tapi beli je halwa tuh...
Isk isk isk....
You see tu baru peod
Kalau preggy entah apa yg teringin

Malam tu I dok pikir nak order or not
Baru pagi tu decide kena kuat
No pizza, no bread, no soft drinks
Tapi akhirnya before 9pm sampailah ....

Hah!! Makanlah ko sorang food RM59.
Dont worry boleh makan 4 -5 hari tu πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Pizza tu with the new crispy crunchy crust
But I do not like the new flavour...tuna whatever....

Mula dari malam Rabu hingga senja khamis memang kira hari pizza dan k-drama
I dok tengok di hp Shopaholic Loius dari episod 6-16 😱😱😱😱
I hanya pi hand washed and jemur kain je πŸ˜‚

Tak senonoh ek...
Konon nak buat kerja ngantuk pulak
Konon tido dulu bangun after 3 hours
Konon bangun tapi offkan alarm je

So tadi masa meeting with customers semuanya spontaneous je lah
No preparation
Customer pulak...idok baca betul2 😠😠😠
How la tak salah faham...
How la masa tak cukup
Ramai tu...
Bukan sensorang...
Kan dah kena bebel
Orang dah beri peluang
Tapi they didnt know how to grab it
How to manipulate it
Lantak korang lah ya ....
Apa yg penting before the session end
We reflect...
Bebel bebel gak...basuh gak...lawak mesti ada
I am happy to see them smiling and laughing
Eh siap lambai-lambai you
Yg hampir nak kena langgar pun ada....

Then pi beli food RM8 ni ha

Terkezut I....
Pasrah je la
Yg penting sodap

Lepas tu gedik pi massage
My right hand is so stiff and in pain...
So kenalah pi kasi release sikit

Oklah acik nak lolap jap
3pm meeting dengan customer
Selalu na cancel
kali ni kasi jadi yo....

Aik kemanakah customerku
Ada separuh je 😠😠😠
Ko tunggu minggu depan

Dah petang
Macam2 hal pulak
Ada orang yg x datang mesyuarat
Buat kecoh psl apa yg kami dh discuss 😠😠😠
Kok iya pun tanyalah I dulu
Ni sesikit heboh dalam group
So dah confuse
Pulak tu isu lain pun timbul
Dah cakap I akan usahakan tanya pihak terlibat
Rupanya dikala I type emel tanyakan pihak yg terlibat
Dia pi pm orang tu dan share dlm group
The thing is mmg mengaibkan I
Macam I tak buat kerja I
Dan tak sampaikan pada mereka
Bila I tanya geng sekapal
Mereka pun tiada makluman pasal tu....
You see how frustrating it is

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sihat tapi Penat

Memanglah salmon lazat
makanan sihat
Boleh sediakan dengan cepat
Tapi masaknya penat
Sekian pantun 5 kerat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Dah tiada oven
Jenuh dan lenguh pegang dan sengetkan demi untuk dapat crispy skin

Tulah my dinner on Monday
black pepper salmon
Dan sos bantai aje
yg terdiri dari campuran.....
tartar sos+thousand island+olive oil+garlic oil+italian herb+black pepper.

I actually byk keroje ni
Dah tengok recorded Shopaholic Louis
Sambung Meletop
Nak tidur sekejap
Then kena bangun around 2am to prepare materials for customer and for meeting tommorow.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Dawai oh dawai

Semalam pi jogging 6km you...
Lepas brekky pengsan πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Then kalau tak makan, tengok tv
Tak tengok tv, tidur 😁😁😁

Hari ni larat 4km je...keting sakit
Then on the way nak pi pasar pi brekky nasi kerabu
Keluarkan duit RM500
Macam cepat je habis 😱
Apa yg I beli ha...hmmm😯
Let me see.....

Beli sayur je RM10. Cari buah naga takde
Then beli skirt RM40 and track pants RM45
Skirt tu confirmlah kena kerat. Tapi kodai jahit tutup.
Then pi kedai barang rumah cobweb brush+adjustable pole. Tu je pun dah RM28.
Singgah sekejap supermarket beli setakat biskut, ice cream pun dah RM30++
Pi bayar bil celcom rm123.10...
Luckily I dah check mesej dari celcom
Guess what the agent asked me to pay rm124.
Me: owh you all ambil 90 sen ek
Agent: tak ambil eh...nanti bayar balik

Hmmm...yolah tu
Biasa si boss minta extra 20 cents
Yang ini si pekerja melayu pun sama...

I pi kedai hardware cari dawai...
Pakcik tu jual satu gelung
I tak mauler...walaupun 80 sen je πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
So pakcik tu tarik dawai ni dari celah tiang
Dia tanya "satu cukup?"
I minta dua πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I terkejut sangat bila apek beri yg gelung kecik juga

I feel touched with his kindness
Alhamdulillah rezeki....

Ingat nak pi cuci rambut di kedai baru
But I saw the salon staff/owner carry her puppy from her car into the salon and followed by her husband with another puppy
Hmm..nak cuci rambut or not
Mungkin pekerja lain yg buat
Tapi tekak I rasa kembang
Bukan pasal puppy tp pasal makan ais krim πŸ˜…
Bila dah serba salah dan was was
Maka jomlah balik...

Th3n pi isi minyak RM60....
Total spending around RM340
You see...cepat nya RM500 luak in 2 hours.
I cant imagine total spending for those yg dah berfamili dan ramai anak

Balik kepenatan dan rehat ler
Check email...
Hmm as expected that certain party totally does not have any consideration.
I ni mangsa keadaan
Memang tak tahu lansung
Kalau I tahu awal takkan I sengaja jeopardize my career
Once I got the notification definitely I was shocked
I tried to find it but it does not exist
The moment I found it its already too late
Jika itu takdirnya
Saya redha...
But I cant accept it if people want to show that they are in power and can do whatever they wanna do even though that can easily consider it ...

Then I had salad and grilled pumpkin + egg plants

Dah kenyang barulah kemas dapur dan sapu rumah. Tapi dapur tu kejap je la kemas. Setakat goreng telur dan bilis kicap pun sepah semula....

Makan je dengan leftover nasi tomato πŸ˜…πŸ˜…...

Jomlah jemur kain dan buat kerja opis sambil tengok duo star final..Tapi nyampah tgk Ernie tu. Siapa tu? Idok ku kenal.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Addiction to K-D

Yes...K-Drama is so addictive
I was so happy last weekend
Finally I watched the last episode of recorded Goblin and Legend of the blue sea.
So no more waiting
No more wasting time.....

Tapi ter record pulak Saimdang
Harini marathon tonton 4 episod
I love how korean create the stories
And link the current life with the history
Pelakonnya yg dulu berlakon jewel of the palace
Yg mula2 tukang masak istana then jadi tabib

Hari jumaat sambil brekky
Tertengok shopaholic Louis
Pun mcm ok...

Parah dah ni....
Makcik2 dok tengok K-Drama
Padahal my friends dalam WA gp
Dok sembang pasal umrah
Pasal kelas agama
Kongsi ceramah ustaz
Dok cari buku tasawuf

Friday, February 3, 2017

Balasan cash

Awatlah hari2 ngidam makan gorpis ni
Semalam beli tempat lain beli rm2 dpt 6 ketul kocik
Harini beli di tempat biasa rm2 dpt 7 plus 2 dah masuk dalam perut....

No wonder gerai ni lebih laku dan jualannya cepat habis.

Pagi tadi I ngadu dgn my friend that I quite upset with my other colleagues who are in the same post as me
I sent whatsapp  messages to them around 5pm yesterday
But not a single response from them
Guess what.....
This morning one of them asked something
Few second after that someone gave response.
Just imagine how do I feel
My friend suggested to me to think positive
But how?
Not once but many times they did that to me
After all it is very urgent matter
It involve our work plan for this year

So I directly asked the bosses about it
Still there is uncertaity
We have to wait and cannot change our plan
Oh how???
It involving many people
If it not treated properly it gonna cause unfair situation and chaotic situation

Due to that I was late for a meeting
A bit dissapointed because we often have to change our course to suit other unit 😠😠😠

Later I had meeting with my customers
Hmmm....as usual so stubborn
Hah!!! Serve you right to be rush back to collect your files and material πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Kena ajar sikit....
Less nagging but more actions πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Hah....exerciselah ko...
Bila dah menjalani intensive cardio exercise
It is definitely good for blood circulation and oxygen flow in the body
Mudahlah sel otak berhubung πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Then I rushed to poslaju to pick up my parcel

The review for this sulphur is good that I easily got influence πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I will share my review later....

Since it is friday which definitely with long lunch hour, I dropped by at SC to had lunch πŸ˜€. Parah ni...addicted pulok. Seminggu 2 kali 😱😱😱

At 3.30pm I got appointment with the senior customer.
I thought he just have to show his progress and directly print it...
Unfortunately I still have to check it and think for a while....
Anyway, whatever it is I gave him another task and we planned to collaborate in the future which obviously will benefit our career.

Then Petang tadi tak tahu nak gelak
Or nak cakap padan muka 😈😈😈
Tulah belakangkan I lagi
Kan dah kena reject πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Dah terhantuk barulah sedar diri kan πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
I bukan serba tak tahu
Macam mana nak tahu kalau tak diberitahu
I bukan lepas tangan
Masalahnya tak dimaklumkan
Apa2 hal orang atas cari I
Apa2 hal orang  bawah hanya tau salahkan I

Takkan semua benda nak kena tanya
Takkan semua perkara nak kena ingatkan
Asyik dok suggest itu ini
Request itu ini
Tanggungjawab uols pada kerja apa pula?
Apa yg u dah buat?
Apa sumbangan u?

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Klinik owh Klinik

Owh Klinik...
Pi yg first tutup...CUTI
cuti tahun baru cina lama ke πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Tapi nama klinik jelas meraikan aidilfitri

Pi yg second Clinic
Tapi diluar takde bussiness hour
Yg ada 24 jam sign πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Tinjau dari luar golap
nmpk sign di kaunter tutup
Bila call around 1.05pm rupanya masih ada pesakit
hanya buka semula 2.45pm

Pi the third clinic ada terpapar business hour
Ok fine lunch hour 1-3pm
Why not just try my luck
Try je la tolak  pintu
Boleh....tapi gelap takde orang
Moh ler kita lunch dulu...

Lenkali pi klinik during office hour ya...
Not after 12.30pm
2 pm nanti kita pi klinik gomen je ya πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….
Doctors are not robots...
They need to rest and to have lunch ya.

Well...think positive
Bolehlah saja relax di luar during working days
Selalu beli food di kedai dan makan di ofc/rumah
Atau beli lunch delivery
Oklah selama 2 tahun ni
Nilah baru Second/third time makan sorang di luar
Tetiba my colleague sampai
Lagilah seronok
But she said our clinic is not that good
Why.?..coz thwy gave mild medicine

Then pi the second clinic
Aik kunci 😱😱😱
Bila call around 2.52pm,
Doc ada 3.30pm katanya

Maka drive pilah the fourth clinic
Eh mananya....awat tak nampaknya sign
Call my friend dia pun macam terkedu
Then dia kata bukan di jalan yg sama seperti second clinickah?
I google....benar belaka πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

Then off I drove to the fourth clinic
Alhamdulillah buka dan ada staff
Tapi katanya doc ada 5.30pm 😭😭😭

So pi jelah the second clinic.
Tunggu je lah dalam kereta 15 minit
Dah 3 30pm msuk klinik dengan harapan I am the first patient
Boleh balik awal
tapi dah ada 4 patients
I am the fifth patient 😱😱😱
Tapi doc pun x sampai lagi 😠😠
Aduhai.....dugaan bertimpa2....

Then the first patient masuk
Tiba2 the sixth patient masuk dulu 😠😠😠
So the third patient blah....
Dia dah lebih satu jam tunggu
The second patient masuk
The fourth patient and me sabar menunggu our turn
Dalam hati tuhan saja yg tahu

Akhirnya bila the fourth patient keluar
I am ready to stand up
My jaw almost dropped when suddenly the the eight patient is called in 😠😠😠
E....I nak buka klinik sendirilah !!!!!

Allergic macam retis....

I had keli sambal+rice for lunch yesterday
Peanut choc nips as snack
Then I had ayam goreng kunyit for dinner last nite

Pagi ni bangun tidor
I got itchy, brittle and swollen lips and redness rash around my lips 😭😭😭
So how did it happen???
My allergic tablets are out of stock
I guess there is something wrong with the chicken
Not due to hint of belacan in keli sambal.

Recently si Nabila Huda alahan terhadap bhn kimia dlm udang
In my case mungkin juga ada sesuatu dalam ayam tu. Yelah kadang2 I makan ok. Kadang2 ko.
Macam my friend cakap her sister is allergic to unfresh chicken....

So...kurangkan membeli di luar ya...