Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fenin ada....bigggggg smile pun ada

Tadi bila dah habis breakfast, aku takleh tahan nengok si avocado yg lagi separuh sebagai penghias tuh..tetiba aku ngap camtu ja. Yelah rasa lemak-lemak gitukan...For lunch I had that spicy sambal ikan la. Then, I can't resist having the vanilla choc ice cream and enjoy every bites of it regardless the cold and rainy day. And for dinner, I had this apatah...frankfurt+avocado+strawberry...

Semalam, makan nasi tomato yang Yummmyyyyyyy !!!!. Takkan I buat pulak kan....
Bila dah kekenyangan, tetiba.................

Fenin coz ...I got these emails yesterday from my x-co who now is my main spv :

The first email....
Please see attached file, which is a template to reply to a Journal.Highlighted in red are places for you to put in. After you finish it, let me have a look. Thanks
Alamak !!! Banyak nak buat ni...biaq dulu la sampai dapat correction dari x-main. Tak payah buat kerja dua kali. Better cari bahan and write intro for the new paper.

The second email.....
I read the second paper and left the changes under your door. J might come in on Wed so you should make these changes and give him a copy on Wed.

Aduhai..dah mulo somput nih....

Fenin Fenin coz I got this email today from my x-main spv who moved to Adelaide

please find attached some typos for the paper. There are quite a few, so don't rush and I will look at it again if you like. Try to send the corrections sometime today, and I will read again on the flight home late tonight (from Adelaide to NSW).

Nyesal pulak bukak email uni pukul 12.40pm...Dahla pakcik hantar pukul 8.30 pg tadi. Takpe lah dah dia kata don't rush...so apalagi aku take my time la. Banyak wo...kena kasi baiki

Tetiba terus rasa nak pitam when I received another email from him at 5.30pm.
I am sitting in Adelaide Airport! How are the corrections going??
La..pakcik tadi ekau kobaan flight ko lewat malam...Huhuhu...tak suka tau, cakap putar belit.

Finally at 6.10 pm

Thanks Fey, will read on the way home. Cheers, J

Logo bona acik...tapi dup dap nunggu esok nak jumpo pakcik tercinto niha. I miss you pakcik, can't wait to see you tomorrow....chet...mimpi lah...
Lagi lah dup dap nak nyiapkan kojo dari 2 email terawal tuh.

Whatever it is....biiiiiiiiiiiiiiggg smile for his words
you should be very happy with this. It will be a big part of your thesis in
a Category A* journal, so you have done very well!!!
In fact, I still remember what my-co said last week

You should be happy with your first paper. You are doing well. Your second paper, we can send to common journal...(hehehe tau la result pelik kan). You should write the 3rd paper...(extend her work la) and we can try to send it to better journal. Then, you should extend that project and work on other structures too. Opps..with 2 conference papers too. After that you can start with your thesis writing....You still can do something else if you have more time. Enjoy !!!!!

Umpama mimpi lak, bila dia cakap camni...rasa nak melompat bila dia sebut the last word tuh ...
Kira macam I'm over the moon la sekejap ...
Alhamdulillah...Thank you Allah..... 
Umpama hujan dan ribut petir
sewaktu ku mendengar berita
pakcik akan pindah ke Adelaide.

Rupa-rupanya Allah nak munculkan pelangi....

Betapa bersyukur dan terharunya hamba mu ini.

Terima kasih mak dan abah atas doa untuk
kemudahan anakmu ini
Namun, aku tidak boleh alpa...
perjalananku masih jauh lagi....


  1. salam..ala tak lama lagi tu..pejam celik pejam celik sampailah hari yang ditunggu

  2. salam kak ina..tu la masa pantas berlalu bila kerja bertimbun, tapi kenapalah terasa lambat bila nak balik kampung hehehe...

  3. Alhamdullillah, Allah mempermudahkan kerja2 u. Raya ni balik kg ke nok...boleh tak msg yr hp no. ni no. hp akak 0176997748...

  4. Kaklia..alhamdulillah. Raya ni tak balik la, coz takde cuti. Harap boleh balik masa summer holiday.
    Insya allah bila balik kg saya msg/call kaklia..

  5. ooo...kalau mcm tu u msg kat akak yr address kat sana. boleh tak?

  6. kaklia, insya allah malam ni saya msg. Tapi akak takyah lah hantar apa2 tau...sangatlah mahal kos nyer..
