Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sambal padeh yang buat podih porut

Tadi pi buek sambal ikan niha...

Kali ni lotak cili berapi 5 biji+garlic+bawang besar, tak lotak cili bosar pun, just tumbuk sekali ngan sebijik bosar tomato. Kuranglah sikit podeh eh compared yang memulo buek dulu.

Psst...Lawak pulak baca entri kl citizen pasal mengidamkan menantu. Ingatkan saya je yg pernah terpikir gitu. Bukan apa, dulu pernah gak sembang dengan kawan nak cari calon....yg yatim piatu. Hehehe..patutlah susah na nak jumpo kan.

Oklah nak ngomeh bilik n mendobi lak ni...hand washing la...dah semalam machine washing.


  1. salam fairy..lawa ruper kamu..putih macam cinalah..

    duk jauh janganlah makan pedas sangat.nanti sakit perut tau. Tapi org dah biasa makan pedas..kalau idak adalah rasa kepedasan tentu tak sedap kan.

  2. Hi Lady, wow! I guess you have a Black Belt in cooking.
    That sambal ikan of yours sure looks a guarantee tiga pingan nasi lichin and louds 'burrrps' following.
    Ada sambal belachan to go with it? Ha ha.
    Have been looking at your orher gourmet dishes.....

    Like I always say, 'women who can cook are dangerous' bachelors, ha ha.
    Thats the reason I lost my Bachelor's degree, and she gained her Masters! Nobody warned me about women who can cook.

    You have fun and keep a song in your heart, best regards, Lee.

  3. Kak ina,
    hmm..alamak..merah padam muka saya. Tq hehehe.

    Saya ni memang tak sedar diri. Actually memang tak tahan pedas pun. Tu la perut rasa pedih je ni.

    Hi uncle Lee,
    Thank you for dropping by here :).
    I dont have the black belt ma...only yellow belt hahahha...starting with have to cook for my food craving and now I really enjoy cooking and sometimes as my stress therapy too hehee...

    Try to avoid sambal belacan...nanti 4 pinggan licin hahahha...actually due to sinus problem

    Can't stop smiling reading you "lost your bachelor degree"...Hope somebody will 'come' no matter how dangerous I am hahaha....

    TQ Uncle Lee..
