Thursday, July 19, 2012

You are DEAD!

Kisah pada Hari Selasa tanggal 16 Julai 2012 ini akan terpahat sebagai salah satu insiden yang menakutkan selama saya berada di bumi kangaroo ini.  Ketika saya sedang berposing bersama rakan di Mall pada waktu senja lebih kurang 5.15pm, tiba-tiba datang seorang pemuda OZ bertopi mendekati kami. Kami sangkakan lelaki tersebut hanya ingin berlawak dengan menyertai kami bergambar. Tetapi dia terus menuju ke depan rakan saya sambil mengeluarkan kata-kata yang kami sukar fahami. Saya dan rakan sangat terkejut dan saling berpandangan. Terdetik di hati saya dia seorang pembenci muslim. Dia memang berani dan nekad mengganggu kami walhal rakan lelaki kawan saya berada hanya 3 meter dari kami.

Tiba-tiba dia beralih kepada saya. Ketika itulah rakan saya perlahan-lahan dapat melepaskan diri dan hanya tinggal saya seorang diri yang terpaksa berhadapan dengan lelaki itu.  Saya tidak faham butir kata-katanya. Saya sangkakan dia akan berlalu pergi, sebaliknya dia semakin merapati saya dan mukanya hanya sejengkal dari saya. Saya cuba mengelak dan mengundur ke belakang. Saat itu saya terfikir apa akan terjadi jika tiba-tiba dia menghunus pisau ke badan saya. Tiba-tiba saya mendengar dia menyebut "You know what am I saying". Saya hanya berdiam diri, takut tersilap memberi jawapan. Entah kenapa, saya tiada kekuatan untuk melarikan diri. Akhirnya saya faham apa yang dia cuba nyatakan. Dengan pandangan mata yang tajam dan nada yang sangat menakutkan, dia menyebut  "You know what I'm saying. YOU ARE DEAD". Apabila melihat saya terkejut, dia mengulangi "YOU ARE DEAD" sambil berlalu pergi. At that instant, it's hard to describe how relief am I even though my heart was pounding really fast and I was shaking tremendously. ALHAMDULILLAH SAYA SELAMAT.

I told my spv about that incident this afternoon. Actually she have experienced similar incident 7 years ago while she was walking alone in winter night. There was a middle age man who said very disturbing word to her "You want my co*% in your pussy?". She didn't run away but she walked really fast to put a distant from that man. What she said was so true, in cold winter night, certain people will drink alcohol to get warm. If they got drunk, we will never know how violent they can be.

I am more open to my spv recently. I went to see her yesterday to discuss about my study problems as well as telling her that I'll meet my friend to celebrate her graduation after the meeting. When I am about to leave she said "You are cute today, you want to get photos with friends?". As a result I felt cute the whole afternoon hehehe..........But then, that perasan cute thingy disappeared the moment I got a call from my friend stating that she got really big problem. I couldn't believe that this really happening to my friend :(, even though I have suspected something long time ago. She got so many problems, one after another and this was the latest. O Allah, please grant her ease in her journey. Even though I was really busy and have to prepare something, my heart didn't allow me to ask her to leave my office when she really need someone to talk to. We had a talk from 1.40pm until 3.51pm. I was really frustrated when I can't help my friend, the only thing that I can do was only as listener. Due to certain circumstances, it is better for me to encrypt my conversation here.

Actually I told my spv about my friend's problem too today and how I feel blessed and grateful having her as my spv who are really helpful and supportive instead of letting me sinking alone. Then my spv replied that it was not about her as spv, but it is about me as student. How well a student can do their work? See, as I said to my friend the other day, It's all about us. When we blamed someone for something, people will ask what did we do to make that someone acted like that? Have we ever try to get thing better? Have we meet their requirement? I have no intention to talk bad things about others, but I hope that we can learn a lot from all these things. Bak kata Prof.Muhaya "Hasil kehidupan kita adalah pilihan kita dengan izin Allah".

Salam Ramadhan.............


  1. as salam
    ngeri baca pengalaman awak.take extra care.selamat menyambut ramadhsn. kat sana kul baper waktu imsak dan waktu berbuka?

  2. Salam Ramadhan Zie, mmg kena hati2 and try not to go out in the dark. imsak 5.30am dan buka 5.09pm...winter kan, so sekejap je la tempohnya heheh
