Thursday, July 26, 2018


I kan selalu ada sakit/berat kepala, tegang tengkuk dan rasa mata nak terjojol. Lately it comes together with nauseous 😰...
So before fasting month, doktor klinik panel suspected high cholestrol and suruh buat blood test.
Tapi nk buat test di tempat kami ada hari yg ditetapkan and perlu puasa dari 10 pm supaya boleh buat test pagi.
But I could not make it previously.
Bila bulan puasa bersemangat nak pi. Tapi rupa2nya perlu datang petang pula 😅. Tertangguh lagi...

Akhirnya setelah sekian lama bertangguh, semalam ku ke klinik membuat ujian darah....

Sakit you masa nak ambil darah. Dulu2 idoklah i dah tuo pulak ngada2....

Tiba2 nurse suruh buat urine test jugak. Ah sudah....Bila letak the urine bottle outside the lab, I noticed mine was the darkest...seems like honey. These few days maybe since sunday I noticed it got pinkish color...Info from google stated that either from food color or infection. Harapnya bukanlah jangkitan. Ye la...mungkin from asam tembakau merah tu, supplement containing saffron or berries, brekky tea or lack of water consumption.

Definitely I feel nervous waiting for both result in one week time. Please pray for me ya....

Selain sakit kepala dan tegang tengkuk, I got blurry vision since 2 years ago. No point wearing glasses since I cant see things sharply at certain time. Jahat betul orang kedai spek tu. Bila buat eyes di klinik, doc kata I tiada masalah rabun pun....the eyes specialist said it got to do with my nerve system. The worst happened this year when my I got double vision especially last week...So, definitely it is not safe to drive and I can't do my reading/typing works whenever it happens 😭😭....

As we all know the normal bp is 120/80 and the hbp or hypertension if the reading more than 130/90. Before Raya I went to klinik pakar usim. ..What??? My lower reading is 91 😱😱😱...oh no!!! Hbp????...Doc related this with my frequent headache n blurry vision. And I became worry when he associated all these with diabetes and kidney failure 😰😰😰....So doc suggested to me to monitor my bp for 3 days. Since it was Raya ...well you know what happened.....

Anyway...what was my bp reading yesterday?
132/94 !!!!
Getting higher 😭😭😭....
I tak mahu makan ubatlah....

Actually I met the new doc yesterday.
Nasiblah dpt jumpa siapa. I pun lupa nak request doc yg dah biasa. Doc ada juga kait my frequent headache with previous history which is sinus. So perlu jaga makan....habih tu I nak makan apa kalau seafood, daging, ayam dan telur I tak boleh makan? How to live life as vegetarian? Definitely not me... Doc terkejut bila dengar my sinus got worse when I ate chicken. Kalau nak kurangkan sakit kepala, gatal dan naik bintil2 di perlu ambil ubat. Tapi sampai bila nak bergantung kpd ubat?

Habih tu what to do?
Tapi tetap tak sedar diri makan apa saja 😅

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