On Easter Monday morning, my Philipino hmate give me to taste her detox drink=1part lemon juice+1part honey and 8 part water+8 dashes of cayenne pepper..Hmm it taste weird for the first sip, after few sips, I think I like it heheh....
Bz day huh...while the machine was washing my clothes, I folded my clothes. Then, me n Philipino hmate went to city to buy choc. The choc in woolies was half price. Nothing interesting accept M&M. Hmm..not to wonder why they sold it cheap, the expiry date is jun-dis this year. Then off we went to Priceline. Again, the choc was not so tempting compared to last year sale. so i just bought lindt choc.
We were so hungry, but we promised ourselves not to buy anything. So back home...I heat the white sauce, pour in sliced carrot and dump in the leftover ravioli and sprinkled chillies flakes...
For dinner I had fish masak kicap.
Masa tengah goreng tu alamak American hmate turun. Dia pernah kata she hate OZ BBQ, disgusting oily and greasy stuff. Risau jugak kot dia nak buat muka or mengata bila tengok aku menggoreng. Bila dia senyap je, ingat kan dia tak mau cakap apa2..Tiba-tiba dia cakap...The fish is looking at me and seems to say that please don't eat me...
Aku gelak je. Bengang pun ada sikit. Dia ada gak kata the fish still has it mouth....hahha , aku cakap aku susah nak potong...baru aku perasan aku lupa nak buang sisik kat kepala...biasalah orng putih mana makan kepala ikan. Hish minah salleh ni banyak mulut la..Haritu masa aku nak boil my red sosej dia kata, that the most funny looking thing ever. Bila kanda tanya apa beza muesli and oat, dia kata muesli banyak crap things...Oh ok aku makan crap things almost every morning ke..........Haritu Philipino housemate makan spam in can. She said ..you eat that ? It is food for homeless...Kesian Philipino hmate terkejut.......
Aiyo..sejuk gilos malam tuh....15 C. kena psg heater. my hmate kata based on weather forecast the lowest temp would be 11C...hehhe..Setakat 15C dah gigil, kalau pi tempat yg below 0 deg, mau i keras kejung........
Pagi selasa pun sejuk 15c....mesti org pelik, wearing jumper in hot sun..The blowing wind resulted in chilly day...autumn in OZ kononnya ;))....
On Wednesday, tengok the American hmate takde kat umah. Cecepat goreng bilis dan buat kus-kus goreng kampung hehhee......
Malam tu buat easy peasy pizza...ada sosej, nenas and semi sundried tomato......
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