Saturday, May 21, 2016

I do nothing

Last week on Wednesday, we got adhoc discussion with the boss due to certain decision made by top management for our new project. Yes, we need clarification on everything. It was tiring and frustating when we spent a lot of time doing something and have to change several things many times. Not only us but our colleagues as well...we need to focus on other task too.

The next day, I got another meeting....
After all my hardwork, someone said to me I am lucky to have one my colleague as a care taker for that new project. Hello...I didnt let her do everything. I do my part and she got her own part but of course I get involve in preparing certain documents in her part.

I have to attend a workshop on weekend. This time another colleague higlighted the work done by that colleague. Again....seems like I do nothing. Did she forget that main parts of the document has been discussed in our unit meeting. Do I need to spell out and make announcement to the whole organization that I have to stay up till 3.30am to check, make correction and update that someone document as well as prepare support document so that the boss can bring it to the top management. And had to ignore my part for a while just to focus on her part.

The funny thing was ....
1. when someone offered to help me and when I ask her for help, she complained that she done so many things already.
2. When someone offered to help me to set up a system to ease my planning work and later I ask him to do something, he came up with so many arguments. Instead of writing a long complaint email wasn't better if he just do that work. I feel grateful that I ignore his offer otherwise I will feel uncomfortable if we had arguments.

Self Reflect:
Just ignore what people say about and how they see you as well how much work you have done...
GOD knows....
Hmm...just let GOD evaluate us ....
Do not feel inferior when people smarter/systematic/faster than you...
Try not to dependant on others
Refuse certain help offer politely
Do what you should do...
Do not let other take fully in charge of something that actually under your responsibility.
Delegate task wisely.

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