Saturday, July 1, 2017

Gery biscuit for raya?

Pernahlah dengar pasal biskut ni.
Akhirnya hari Rabu lepas terjumpa 😀.

Sedap juga.
Tiba2 teringat crackers+cheese dip in woolies land down under.
😅😅😅....sorrylah I cannot move on from my life there. The mixture of fun and painful 4 years of my life 😢😍.

You all masih berayakah?
Masih di kampung?

I went back to my home on thursday. I could not stay longer in my hometown since I just lazed around doing nothing except sleeping, eating and FB/IG 😅😅 regardless of my long list of things to do. Starting from assessing proposal and report, preparing for customers evaluation, checking documents for customer's temporary exchange, transfering data for my substitute, up to travel claim etc.

While I was taking bath suddenly I felt deep in my heart that I dont want to go. Even my mum said she wish that I can stay in kampung till saturday. But I have to be strong...lots of work to be done.

Once arrived here, I went for groceries shopping. Cari juga bekas kuih berdulang tapi sold out. Luckily I remember that I bought Avon food container that still unopened in my office 😅. Oklah tuh.

Balik rumah menghadaplah cheezy wedges and this

Then marathon tonton recorded My sassy girl and Queen of 7 days. So tang mana konon nak kemas rumah dan buat kerja ??? Setakat basuh towel je 😂😂😂.

Hmm ...hari jumaat barulah nak kemas dapur sikit, kemas upstairs, basuh baju dan bersihkan porch. Well...guess what? Petang I tanam pokok rambutan you 😅😅😅...gula batu. Harap tak kena timbus dengan batu kerikil macam last time 😅😅😅. Macam busy ek....idok le...busy marathon Hero seorang cinderella. Tiba2 rasa bosan menontonnya. Selain terbaring due to migraine ...patutlah pun my twin muncul petang tu.

Around 4pm kot ada org press the door bell. Alamak ada tetamukah? How? Nak keep quietkah? Rumah sepah and nothing to serve. Rupanya ada road construction worker minta air. I kan baru balik. Manalah ada stok air. Lagipun biasanya I masak air bila perlu je. Lainlah kalau ada filter. Bila pi dapur I campurkanlah air dalam jug kettle and water container. Cukuplah kot utk sebotol 1.5liter. Tapi bila I tinjau the construction worker has left. Rasa bersalah pulak 😰😰.

Pagi ni I had this for breakfast.

When I was looking at the front of my house,  I notice my neighbor planted mango tree in front of my house not in front of their house..hmmm...why they wanna block my view not theirs??? Then, I kemas downstairs, check customers's proposal  and bleach my old telekung. Now, I having a rest while watching Dia Semanis Honey the musical.

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