But what about my ex-hmate 9 bulan....
Why don't we add more flowers...
But later I changed my mind. Macam sayang pulak nak bagi the first kerastangan. End up I got another pedro bear and gave it to my ex-hmate 9 bulan....
Di sebabkan my housemate tu ganas, beberapa minit selepas dia bergambar with this kerastangan...habis tercabut dan terbarai semua hahhaha...Ada kawan tu siap mengata aku guna beg plastik sumbat2 je...Chet, aku beli la that colourful plastic wrap and wrapping paper. Sesudahnya before dia balik Malaysia she gave me back that basket hehehe...Oklah juga bagi mini perfume, compared to fresh flower yang tak mungkin bole bawa balik Malaysia hehehe....
Amacam, boleh tak aku bukak gift shop? Masa undegrad dulu aku ada kawan nama Faridah. We just dreamed of opening the bussiness next to each other where I would take care of the gift shop and she would runs the pet shop hehehe....Ada sorang lagi the so called bussiness partner, tapi aku lupa dia nak jual apa hehehe....
Oklah aku nak bersiap pi uni ni. Semalam nak concentrate buat kerja, tapi buntu n ngantuk...Tetiba my friend nak datang my office wpun I kata I tgh serabut. Aduh!!! From 5pm to 7.20pm. Kenapalah aku tak kuat to say No....She still stayed while I was performing Asar prayer. Only after I tidy up the mess on the table and told her that I want to perform maghrib prayer, she left. Kesian sangat kat dia, tak tahu nak buat apa...as usual ada jugak terselit blaiming his boss. Even though we are not in the same field, I think she should be clear of what she wanna do in her research, strong research problem and research questions and method. But I don't know how the strong RP and RQ should be. Then kami sesama gelak bila dia cakap mesti orang nampak dia yg salah. Coz kawan sebidang senegara who has the same problem as her still can survive, the same goes to kawan di bawah boss yg sama pun survive jugak....In fact kawan bidang lain, uni lain pun survive. That friend also said that is normal. Whatever it is I know that you are a fighter...Jangan berhenti berharap dan berusaha. Pasrah itu menyerah...Never too late doing something. If it really late, then it is better late than never....Semoga perjalanan Phd kita dipermudahkan dan diberkati. Amiin....
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