Mana dapat? Beli kat Red Lea, aud16 for 6...Memang la mahal, tapi dah dekat 2 tahun ngidam nak makan puyuh berempah. Bila balik Malaysia, tak jumpa pula kat pasar malam...
Makan pulak dengan sambal kicap-blended red hot chillies+sliced onion+fried shallot+lemon juice...Huish nikmat. Aku bakor puyoh tu then grill nak crispy skin kan....Tapi rasanya kureng sikitlah, mungkin kurang marinate...aku just guna cumin, fennel, salt, rempah kari, chili powder, grounded ginger, garlic and lemon grass powder...Psst...ada ke patut my Indian housemate tanya, tu lamb ke, then tetiba cakap it look likes frog..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
So for dinner, I reheated that quail and sprinkle more spices to get the taste right hehehe...
For lunch on 06/03 I had suhun goreng tak bercili....Ye Cik Olyn, memang rencahnya boleh meresap ke dalam suhun ;)...
For lunch on Wednesday, aku masukkan sambal olek Yeos dalam minyak panas, tambah gula dan garam, curah hirisan tomato..curah hirisan egg plant n carrot dan akhir sekali masukkan suhun leftover...jadilah suhun pedas pula hehehe.........
Konon nak pi uni kan..Cuma lambat sikit coz nak basuh baju. At last makan bekal dalam bilik je hahahha...Dah kenyang tuh, sambil merancang semula my workplan yg perlu dimasukkan preparing abstract and paper for conference as well as attending it, sambil tengok Ariana Mikail episod akhir...Memang saya suka the ending hehehe....Tapi susah juga ya kalau mengalami konflik perasaan seperti Ariana. Antara Cinta dan Tanggungjawab kepada anak dan keluarga...Mengorbankan cinta dan kebahagian diri demi keluarga....Antara sayang kepada Johan yang banyak membantu dia, cinta kepada Ray yang membuatkan dia kembali percaya pada cinta dan jodoh dengan Mikail yang juga cinta pertamanya....Ye lah kalau dia kahwin dengan Ray, mestilah tajuk ceritanya Ariana Ray lah kan ;))))). Malam tu masak pasta -chicken bolognese.
Actually that morning our accommodation manager forwarded the email from BOM; warning of severe weather here overnight wednesday and early thursday especially in coastal area. Actually early Wednesday it was already windy and raining. My housemates and me wore our jumper even though in the afternoon...At 11pm, the temperature dropped to 17 degree Celcious and the sound of strong blowing wind and when it hit the roof were really scary...
Of course there was heavy downpour early Thursday. Alhamdulillah it was not severe as predicted. Nearly 6pm, I went to city...window shopping for clothes ;)), went to reject shop to buy bhuja-mix=maruku and mamee snack. Teringin nak makan californian roll...Balik rumah habis aku bedal sekelip mata. Macam tak makan seminggu pulak.
Malam tu lepas tengok Desperate Housewives, aku sambung belek2 the methodology section of my thesis...copy paste here and there (from my articles) and listed down things that I should include in that section such as justification of using that method, figure as well as add more example of previous work which has employed this method. Actually, ada bus incident yg buat aku bengang that led me to lodge a complaint...So while watching My kitchen rules online i typed that letter of complaint. Jangan gelakkan my grammar etc :P...
I would like to make a complain for the inconsiderate and rude bus driver for the bus route .... It happened around 8pm Thursday 08/03/2012. If I am not mistaken the driver's number is 5....
After the first stop, I pressed the stop button twice but it didn't ring. As usual thinking that someone has already pressed the button, so I just wait for the bus to stop at the second stop. Unfortunately, the bus didn't stop. At first I thought the bus driver has difficulty to stop because there was a car parking at the stop. But when the Middle East woman asked the driver why he didn't stop the bus there, he said that he didn't hear the ringing sound. The woman said that she has already standing. The bus driver said that we should let him know. When I said that I have pressed the button twice but it didn't ring. He said in impatient tones and angry piercing eyes that is because someone has already pressed the button at the first stop but didn't get off the bus. So he stopped at the third bus stop. Definitely the Middle East woman with two small children and me with two heavy shopping bags and three Asian girls have to walk farther than usual.
The questions are
a) The stop sign still has light on, so if no one get down at the first stop, why he didn't stop at the second stop or at least get ready to stop?
b) How can we know that he is not going to stop so we can tell him to stop right from the start?
c) How come he didn't see that the Middle East woman with baby stroller and a few people who at first were sitting and later standing when the bus nearly reached to the second stop? Was he dreaming while driving?
d) If nobody waiting for the bus at the third stop, would the bus driver stop there since we just asked why he didn't stop at the second stop and not asking him to stop at third stop?
What matter most is why he didn't explain nicely if he didn't want to apologize for his mistake and for forgetting his responsibility ? I have been using the free bus service for nearly 3 years and most of the bus drivers are very nice, friendly and do not hesitate to say sorry whenever appropriate and this was the first time I encountered this kind of problem. I know that we could not expect more from the free bus and this is just a small misunderstanding. Anyway, hopefully it won't happen again.
Siap je surat tu...alamak it was nearly 3am. So apalagi zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bangun pagi sarap and siapkan bekal. Alhamdulillah it was sunny even though cloudy............
Sampai uni, aku pi bayar my accommodation fee for Autumn session. So another aud2600 to pay huhuhu..That balance kena tunggu dapat elaun lah..Then ada aud700 je untuk belanja 3 bulan :(......But I was so surprised when the officer said that my account balance is aud5400.....Ya Allah, apparently they debited the Spring fee to my account. It never happened before....Mana aku nak cari duit banyak tu. So aku filled in the form for installment plan and sent email to our accomodation manager regarding the installment.
I planned to submit my paper today, unfortunately I forgot to transfer the file from my lappy to pendrive. makan dulu...hahaha fettucine bolognese tunggang terbalik..
Then, I just filled in the comments section for online submission. I didn't know what to write and the journal does not give the guideline, so I just paste the cover letter in that section suggesting two experts that the editor may contact for advice for potential referees. Later at 3.30pm, I attended the colloqium in our school..Luckily I went there early or else my spv would chase me there hehehe...Tersengguk-sengguk aku listening to their talk............
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