Tapi macam biasalah orang kampung panggil carrot and zucchini fritters ;))....
Interested? Simple recipe of healthy food. I made these fritters end of last month. Taken from Australia Prevention Magazine-March 2011
Ingredients 1 carrot-coarsely grated 1 zucchini-coarsely grated handful of peas ( aku tak letak) (aku pernah letak corn kernels, in fact dalam woolies catalogue guna chicken breast slices) 1 tsp ground cumin 1 pinch of salt 1 tbs chopped fresh herbs- coriander or parsley (aku letak dried parsley) 1 beaten egg 2 tbs flour
Method 1. Mix all the ingredients. 2. Heat the nonstick frypan 3. Place 1 tbs of mixture into hot frypan and cook until golden about 2-4 minutes each sides Serve them with a dollop of greek yogurt mixed with a little garlic and mint.
Semalam, masa dok tunggu masterchef Australia, aku tengok la 7pm project final part. Terkejut depa sebut Malaysia. Dah agak mesti pasal isu pencari perlindungan vs pelarian. Tapi sakit hati bila orang tu cakap "Malaysia probably is the worst place that you can send anybody as a refugee......Nightmare shadow world with no legal right"
MELBOURNE: Jurucakap imigresen pembangkang Australia Scott Morrison, yang berada di Kuala Lumpur selama empat hari, berkata beliau berharap untuk bertemu dengan pegawai-pegawai Malaysia esok, bila beliau melawat pusat tahanan pelarian di Semenyih, Selangor.
Perdana Menteri Julia Gillard mengumumkan rancangan untuk menghantar seramai 800 pencari perlindungan ke Malaysia sebagai pertukaran dengan 4,000 pelarian yang telahpun diproses hampir lapan minggu lepas dan dijangka dibereskan tidak lama lagi. Morrison memberitahu Sky TV News bahawa beliau telahpun melihat dari luar sebuah pusat yang sedang dibangunkan untuk menerima pelarian yang mencari perlindungan yang dihantar oleh Australia. "Anda dengar pelbagai laporan bila bercakap dengan orang yang ditahan di pusat-pusat tahanan (Malaysia). Tentunya pusat itu tidak serupa dengan yang kita kendalikan di Australia," kata beliau. Morrison berkata pencari perlindungan di Malaysia di peringkat awal terpaksa tinggal dalam komuniti, dengan sokongan kumpulan sukarelawan, dan mereka terpaksa bergantung pada usaha sendiri.
Kenapa jadi begitu??? In mid June, Australia TV News mentioned this issue. Mari kita layari internet.
NEGOTIATIONS over the refugee swap with Malaysia are stuck on Australia's insistence that asylum-seekers sent to Malaysia be given identity papers to ensure they are not harassed by police and that Kuala Lumpur give an explicit commitment not to send refugees back to the country they fled.
As both houses of federal parliament yesterday passed a historic motion condemning the Gillard government's deal to transfer 800 asylum-seekers to Malaysia in return for 4000 proven refugees, The Australian was told several sticking points had arisen, slowing negotiations between the two countries.
Australian and Malaysian negotiators sat down again yesterday to hammer out the final terms of their deal, which was expected to have been concluded early last week.
It is understood Malaysia has resisted key elements of the deal. Whereas Australia wants an explicit undertaking from Malaysia not to return asylum-seekers to their country of origin, Kuala Lumpur is understood to favour a more hedged commitment.
"One side wants it black and white; the other wants it more nuanced," said a source familiar with the negotiations.
The issue is crucial for Australia, which has a lawful obligation under the UN Convention on Refugees not to return genuine asylum-seekers to the country they fled.
Malaysia is not a signatory.
Details of the sticking points holding up an agreement with Malaysia came as a High Court challenge was lodged yesterday against the possible deportation of a Kurdish mother and her four-year-old son to Malaysia.
The pair arrived on Christmas Island on May 16 after making the journey to Australia to be reunited with the woman's husband, who came by boat 18 months ago and was found to be a refugee.
The man is being held in the Maribyrnong detention centre in Melbourne and previously, he would be entitled to be reunited with his family but the Malaysian deal has ruled out the possibility.
Refugee lawyer David Manne told ABC's Lateline last night that the prevention of family reunification was illegal. "Essentially, what we're arguing is whether the government can in fact expel a wife and a child in a situation where the husband has already found to be a refugee in Australia," he said.
Concerns about Malaysia trying to return asylum-seekers to their homelands were reinforced yesterday by Renuka Balasubramaniam, who works for Malaysian group Lawyers for Liberty. She said she was aware of at least one case where Malaysian authorities had sought to return an asylum-seeker to their home country.
"I have evidence of a detainee who had been recognised by the UNHCR as a refugee," Ms Balasubramaniam said. "Because of the mere fact that he was suspected of a criminal offence, they were trying to return him to Afghanistan. I was trying to stop it but he died in custody."
There is also disagreement on identity papers, which have emerged as a significant issue in negotiations. Ensuring asylum-seekers are issued the right type of identification is seen as a key safeguard against harassment and abuse by local police. A source said the identification had to be "issued by the host government" to secure the asylum-seeker's lawful status.
Ms Balasubramaniam said the only form of identity document asylum-seekers in Malaysia received at present was a UNHCR card recognising them as a refugee. Even then, the only protection offered by a UNHCR card was an undertaking not to deport cardholders or detain them.
Julia Gillard yesterday vowed to press ahead with the asylum-seeker swap with Malaysia despite both houses of parliament yesterday voting to condemn the plan.
Rejecting opposition claims she was defying the will of the legislature, the Prime Minister cited the right of executive government.
Ms Gillard said it provided the best opportunity to smash the business model of people-smugglers and prevent asylum-seekers risking their lives on dangerous sea voyages.
Earlier, the House of Representatives supported a motion put by Greens MP Adam Bandt condemning the deal by a margin of 70 votes to 68.
Independents Andrew Wilkie and Bob Katter supported the motion, which was already approved by the Senate.
Tony Abbott seized on the development to demand the government accept the will of parliament.
Ms Gillard said that as the leader of a minority government, she expected there would be times the parliament would not support decisions of the executive.
"It falls to executive government to make important policy decisions," Ms Gillard said.
Mr Abbott attempted to win parliament's support for a censure motion against the government for refusing to scrap the deal, but the bid failed.
Actually, during early May 2011, pelik sangat dengar radio OZ nih...pagi petang dan malam dok mention nama Malaysia. Tapi tak clear sangat apa biji butir nye. Tapi terdengarlah ada asylum seekers, ada refugees....Bunyi macam Oz-Malaysia nak exchange asylum and refugees, tapi ada masalah apatah. Tetiba aku dan kawan dok confuse apa beza asylum seekers dengan refugees. Kawan aku cakap asylum seekers tuh macam pendatang Indonesia. Aku cakap depa tuh pendatang tanpa izin=illegal immigrant. Aku tau contoh, tapi tak tau definisi. Kalau asylum seekers tuh macam ramai yang terkandas nak datang Oz tuh. Kalau pelarian tuh, macam pelarian Rohingya di Malaysia. Hehehe..bersungguh-sungguh kami berdiskus dan bertekak tentang maksudnya. Kawan aku cakap sama je la kot. Habih kalau sama je awat ada pertukaran antara asylum and refugees antara dua negara?
Mengikut kefahaman aku, Asylum seekers-orang yang meninggalkan negaranya sendiri dan mencari perlindungan di negara lain dan memohon status sebagai refugees/pelarian.
Refugees-orang yang telah mendapat perlindungan dinegara lain dan diakui statusnya yang terancam di negara sendiri berdasarkan faktor-faktor yang dinyatakan dalam website di atas.
Apa-apa je la. Tak kisahlah sama ada mereka pendatang haram, pencari perlindungan atau pelarian jangan sesekali membuat onar dan menyebabkan rakyat negara kita pulak yang hidup dalam ketakutan, tertindas dan sengsara. Risau juga bila ada yang tidak sedar diri seperti pendatang tanpa izin yang menjadi penjenayah, selain dari pelarian yang menuntut hak yang bukan-bukan dan membuat aduan kononnya dilayan seperti binatang, didera atau dizalimi di pusat tahanan. If our people gave cruel treatment, why border to come??? We never invite you nor want you in our country. It does not means that we do not have any sense of humanity, but we just loathe those ungrateful people. And for those countries who blaming, complaining or arguing about our country, why border to send this people to our country? Why not you just give them the so called proper treatment in your country ? Why do you have intention to send them to small isolated island? Is this complaining matter just an escapism to other issues such as the protest about tax payers money? Do you think that the country that you assume as "the worst country to send a refugee" does not use their tax payers money to support the refugees?
Hari Jumaat lepas, kawan aku cakap dia dah tengok filem kongsi online. So, malam tu aku googlelah. Tapi aku tak ingat kat website mana. Di youtube pun ada ya.
Tapi aku tak minat sangat pulak cerita nih, memang ada yang lawak terutama penggunaan dialek tertentu. Yang lain tuh macam lawak dibuat-buat, macam pistol cucuk kat montot and jari terputus bila keluarkan senjata. Mungkin sebab aku kebosanan, sebab tu bila ada interval 30 minit selepas 70minit tayangan, maka aku pun tak larat nak tengok lagi.
Hari Sabtu pulak, as my previous post aku tengok Maharajalawak 2011 akhir kan hehhee. Tahniah sekali lagi kepada kumpulan SEpah yang menjadi juara.
Rasa terharu bila tengok ahli Kumpulan Sepah terkejut dan sujud syukor. Lagi terharu bila tengok Siti Sarah yang mengetap bibir menahan tangis gembira. Kasihan pulak Zizan, yang amat jelas mengharap sebelum keputusan diumumkan dan tampak kecewa semasa menerima hadiah. Walaupun Sepah menang, tapi aku rasa JOzan paling lawak malam tuh for musical comedy.
Ramai betul orang dah view video nih di youtube :). Malam tu since cerita kat tv tak best maka aku pun tengoklah Sepah dan Nabil semasa zaman Rajalawak di youtube. Aku rasa lawak Nabil dulu2 lagi best compared to his performance in Maharajalawak 2011. Cuba tengok yang ini, pada aku tu lawak kreatif, fresh dan bijak :)
Hari Ahad pulak, aku dok baca gosip Marsha yang buat gimik kahwin yang tak menjadi tuh. Teringin nak dengar lagu "Bila" dan tengok video clip tuh. Maka, aku cari di youtube, tak jumpa pulak video clipnya. Yang aku jumpa dia nyanyi lagu tuh, dengan pakai baju kelawar pendek. Pada aku, tak sedap lansung lagu tuh. Entah camna, aku ternampak pulak video Kum Kum the movie.
Maka apalagi selepas masak dan basuh baju, maka sambil lunch sambal tumis dan telur dadar, aku layan cerita nih. Bolehlah tahan hehehe. Cuma pelik Si Marsha ni, kejap panggil mak dia "ibu", kejap panggil "mak". Awatlah pengarah, mahupun Marsha tak perasan konti sudah lari. Satu lagi yang aku menyampah bila dalam Kum Kum the movie, begitu juga filem kongsi, dua-dua cakap car bonnet (hood) instead of car boot or car trunk. Aparah !!!!! Korang ingat tu kereta volkswagen dedolu ka??? Memanglah its engine compartment at the back!!!! Kalau makcik2 dan nenek2 kat kampung aku boleh terima sebab dah terbiasa sejak dulu. Aku pernah gak membebel pasal isu ni dalam last year entry.
Oklah, study jangan lupa pulak. Dah pi cepat buat paper corrections ;)).
Malam tadi, aku dok tunggu Maharajalawak akhir. Ada yang kata nak upload pada 10.15pm Malaysia which is 12.15am Australia. Tapi internet slow sangat, asyik problem downloading. Bila dapat bukak website tuh, tertera uploading in progress pulak. Bila aku refresh, tetiba internet everywhere aku expired pulak. Tak kuasa nak recharge dan ngantuk gilos, so aku tido je la. So, pagi ni 11.30am aku cecepat cari maharajalawak akhir 2011 online. Siapa yang nak mengulang tonton, sila layari http://www.mummynemo.com/2011/06/full-download-maharaja-lawak-finaltonton-online-maharaja-lawak-final-2011/. TQVM pada sis Ellen yang upload video ini dengan pantasnya. So, sempatlah kami diperantauan ini merasa bahang the final week :).
Tak sangka pulak si Sepah menang, walaupun aku dan ramai lagi yang menjangkakan Jozan yang menang berdasarkan kedudukan undian terdahulu. Jozan pastinya menjadi pilihan utama berdasarkan populariti yang telah kukuh sebagai pengacara Rajalawak, walaupun pada awalnya, lawaknya agak biasa dan berulang seperti mengajuk gaya Dr. Fadzillah Kamsah dan Eric Leong. Walaubagaimanapun, lawak berulang tersebut tidak membosankan, malah prestasi semakin mantap dan lawak menghiburkan terutama pada minggu 11 dan 12, ditambah pulak dengan watak yang diingati seperti Mael Lambung. Lawak spontan dan body language juga merupakan kekuatan Jozan. Pada malam akhir, persembahan pertama jozan agak kurang menghiburkan,
tapi pada persembahan kedua iaitu komedi muzikal ternyata berjaya mencuri tumpuan.
Tapi aku memang suka Sepah menang coz lawak depa yang bercirikan atau berunsurkan keMelayuan seperti melibatkan mak bidan, merisik, puasa dan bersunat yang terasa dekat dihati. Namun tidak dinafikan adakalanya apa yang dipaparkan agak kurang manis. Ketaksuban si Shuib terhadap Dafi juga boleh dikirakan sebagai 'tagline'. Antara lawak yang paling diingati pastinya adalah mengajuk gaya Ustazah Siti Nur Bahiyah.
Nabil juga menyinar pada malam akhir walaupun muzikal komedi beliau agak meleret.
Memang agak sukar untuk memikirkan dan mencetuskan idea lawak jika berseorangan. Ketandusan idea juga dialami oleh peserta berkumpulan, inikan pula jika berseorangan. Maka, tidak hairanlah dia juga dikatakan pernah meniru idea dari filem lakonan Jim Carrey. Malah dapat kita perhatikan adakalanya Nabil seperti sukar mendapatkan dan mengekalkan tempo lawak. Selain dari risiko lawak tidak menjadi dan hilang arah kerana tiada rakan sebagai penyelamat atau back up menutup kekurangan. Apapun, bak kata Mamat Khalid "Bukankah simple/mudah itu menjadi. Tak perlu trying too hard". Senang cerita Less is more.
After 5 days baru nak update blog kan. Aku bz lah, minggu ni nak pulun siapkan paper corrections. Actually, aku dah buat entry ni last weekend, tapi tak ter post pulak hehehe....bz lah kononnya ;)....Nanti2 lah aku baru balas komen ya and berkunjung balas ya. Macam banyak sangat komen n pengunjung kan :)).... Sedap jugak nasi goreng peria ni tau, tapi abaikanlah nasi berketul tuh hehehe. Sebagai student yg hidup di rantau orang patut bersyukur dapat makan NASI tau, and cerewet is a NO NO....;). Tapi aku memang tak fussy pasal food pun, janji sedap dan mengenyangkan :). Hidanglah apa sahaja, aku akan cuba makan kecuali lepat/lempeng ubi, keladi goreng dan kuey tiow goreng/sup hehehe....Tak tahu kenapa, memang aku tak boleh telan...
You all pernah buat nasi goreng peria???? I pun baru first time hahaha.....buat bila ntah, jap tengok tarikh gambar,...ha....3/6/2011. Yelah nak perabihkan frozen peria n mixed vegies tuh hehhee. Campak-campak aje ......guna je perencah adabi hahaha. Kepok and papadom tu, guna microwave je....less than 1 minute, if not rentunglah :)))))))))..............
Then, 5 days after that I wanna clear the fridge, so I used leftover mushroom and fried rice paste to cook this mushroom fried rice. Oklah nak sarapan, then nak baca artikel related to my paper. Lepas tu nak masak daging untuk potluck petang ni, kalau rajin/sempat boleh buat marble cheese brownies :)............
Apakah? Ingat tak haritu aku cakap aku dapat aud100 kalau aku transfer minimum aud500 from Mek NAB to Pokcik Commonwealth. So nak buat apa dengan duit tu? Hush puppies ku bakal menjadi mulut buaya, maka perlu lah pengganti sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga ;))
Owh kasut rupanya :P, dapat beli dengan harga aud67 coz my friend also bought the same design but different size, of course. Elok jugak ada label ini. Tak sia2 aku asyik ulang ke outlet ni since last year asking about the material. And normally before leaving the store I told the shop assistant that I really like the design of their shoes but unfortunately I'm allergic to pig skin hehehee. Serious aku suka tengok their leather boots and sandals, tapi selalunya memang ada bintik 3 tuh. Harituh baca news, kesian pulak, nak tutup banyak cawangan rupanya. I just copy paste the news from this source.
1000-plus jobs to go in Colorado closures
More than 1000 people are set to lose their jobs as 140 outlets of the Colorado clothing group close in a major restructure.
The receivers of the Colorado Group, Ferrier Hodgson, say 100 underperforming Colorado stores in Australia will shut, along with nine Colorado stores in New Zealand, 21 Williams stores, seven Mathers stores, two JAG stores and one Diana Ferrari store.
Ferrier Hodgson's Brendan Richards said 1042 people would lose their jobs.
"The restructure of the group would eliminate the loss-making Colorado-branded stores and those other stores impacting on the profitability of the group," Mr Richards said in a statement on Tuesday.
"The remaining brands and stores are all profitable and would form the cornerstone of the future business."
Mr Richards said the group was expected to generate earnings of about $19 million in 2011, and, following store closures, would become significantly more profitable.
No further store closures are anticipated.
Colorado-branded footwear will still be sold online and through 200 Mathers and Williams outlets.
The debt-ridden Colorado Group was placed in administration in March after lenders rejected a proposal to allow it to continue trading.
Colorado, which owes about $400 million to a syndicate of 18 financiers, has 434 stores across Australia and New Zealand and 3800 staff.
Sekarang pada waktu 10.45 pm Australia bersamaan 8.45pm Malaysia, aku sedang menonton episod akhir Nora Elena di http://www.info.darxniq.com/youtube-nora-elena-episod-24-final.Terima kasih kepada Admin this blog kerana begitu cepat memuatnaik video episod akhir.
Tapi orang kampung saya panggil crepes with caramelized apple hehehe. Yang kelakarnya aku makan for dinner last Sunday, walaupun lebih sesuai for breakfast.
For the crepe, I used plain flour, egg, sugar, vege oil, skimmed milk and vanilla essence. For the apple-butter, brown sugar, green apple, walnut and cinnamon. The caramelization process only took a few minutes. I prefer the crunchy apple :). Tak pandai la nak dapatkan crepes yang cantik membulat dan nipis hehehe. Yang penting sedap. Aku main bantai je buat. As usual malas nak login internet to get the recipe on that day. For the correct recipe and measurement please click this link http://www.abc.net.au/tv/pohskitchen/stories/s2958648.htm
Haritu tak tahu nak masak apa. Tetiba teringin nak makan kari ayam. Tapi terfikir ayam madu pun best jugak. So goreng dulu lah ayam dan kentang. Then tumislah bawang besar dan bawang putih. Curahkan bancuhan serbuk kari. Tapi nak pedas pulak. Maka letaklah serbuk cili. Jangan lupa madu. Tapi bila dah masak kari kenalah masam-masam sikit. Malas nak potong tomato, maka curahlah sos tomato. Garam sikit. Bila dah pecah minyak, Masukkanlah ayam dan kentang yang telah di goreng. Then, baru masukkan karot. Maka jadilah Ayam berempah bercili bermadu bersosSedap ke? SEDAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP...........to my tastelah :P. Walaupun hanya guna serbuk kari ikan hehehe. Carrot pun sedap coz still crunchy hehehe. Saya masak tu last thursday, june the 9th....Then for dinner esok nya ada sikit lagi lauk tuh. Tapi sikit sangat. So, saya tambah air, kicap, aku serbuk ginger, curah frozen baby beans. Sedap jugak bila di makan bersama telur goreng hehehe.
Telur masak kicap pun ada tau. Tu last wednesday, 1st June hehehe.
Malam tu pulak masak ayam kicap berlengkuas berjintan. Senang cerita macam masak dendeng je hahaha. Jangan tak tahu, lengkuas tu adalah frozen blended galangal saki baki dari bulan Mac haritu for dendeng daging hahaha. Luckily tak sakit perut ;))....
Lawak betul la tengok masterchef OZ tadi. Kepoh betul la Chef Wan. Dah la disuruhnya contestant tu pi bau belacan. Pulak tu disuap nyer contestant tu dengan kerabu besar penumbuk hahaha. Sila lah tengok video nih. Tapi memang ada iklan lah dulu :P. In case you all tak boleh tengok video nih, sila layari http://www.masterchef.com.au/home.htm dan cari video on Friday 10th JUne :)
Hehehe udang kencing ????? Cuba tengok yang ini pulak.Tak tahulah sama ada dia tersasul or sengaja cakap melayu " Dah habis dah".
Apa-apa pun I'm really proud bila tengok chef Wan-Malaysian Chef in Australian tv program :)
Cuba tengok korang tengok ni. Chef tu masak laksa kari ka or mee kari ?
Bukan, bukan aku yang cakap 'setan' tuh. Orang tu yang cakap tau. Memang betul ayam setan, bukannya ayam 'Seth Tan' tau. Selain ayam setan, mereka jual ayam hutan tau.
Unfortunately I have forgotten which dish is Devils chicken and jungle chicken. Kalau tak silap jungle chicken tuh yang kuning, ada hirisan rebung. Tapi Devils chicken tu memang pedas berapi. Makan dengan sambal tuh, memang bercucuran air mata dan air hidung tau. I think I prefer Padang cuisine compared to Balinese cuisine. My friend who comes from Bandung said that "bumbu makanan Bali keras". Kelakar pulak, Harvest festival OZ, tapi ada Balinese food. Bila tah, jap nak tengok tarikh gambar....ok 15 May 2011 :)
Takkan tak kenal si Nora tu? Alahai....anak pak Nordin tu Si Nora Elena :). Aku dah jatuh hati, rasanya ramai dah jatuh hati. Bukan dengan dia, tapi kisah hidup dia hehehe. Rasanya lebih ramai yang jatuh hati dengan si Setan Seth Tan, abang Aaron aziz :P. Last week, aku terbaca status kawan aku di FB, dia sedang download cerita nih. So this week apalagi aku pun google cerita ni. On Monday, bila dah stress mengira and buat programming, aku pi pulun tengok this cerita episode 1-6. Then, Tuesday, sudah ku khatam sampai episode 13. Menyesal pulak pi tengok bebanyak, jadi tak sabar nak tunggu episod baru. I watched episode 16 last night, after almost 30 minutes downloading. Memang best cerita ni kan, walaupun si Nora agak 'kureng' dari segi ekspresi muka dll. Takpelah, dia pun pelakon baru. Penat aku google nak tau cerita nih berapa episod? bilakah episod terakhirnya? Tak ada info pun.
With a can of pineapple slices, macam-macam boleh buatlah-for breakfast/lunch/dinner/desert :))
For brekky : Pineapple and beetroot sandwich (22/05/2011)-gara2 terliur tengok si orang Denmark makan
and Pineapple pancake (28/05/2011)
I was craving for this pancake while blogwalking at AlongRodz blog. Since I kinda lazy to login to the internet early in the morning, so I just 'agak-agak' the recipe hehehe. First, caramelize two pineapple slices with 1 tbs butter and 1 tbs brown sugar. For batter-4tbs raising flour, vanilla essence, 1 egg and semi-skimmed milk and sugar. Then melt 1 tbs butter in the clean pan, arrange the caramelized pineapple slices and pour the batter. Please check here for the correct recipe :)
For lunch/dinner : Acar /jelatah (23/5/2011)
For desert : Pineapple banana cake(29/05/2011)
Note: To make the pineapple slices last longer, keep in the plastic container in the fridge. Please do not keep it in opened can.