Friday, November 23, 2012

Bila daging kunyit hancur berderai

Salam Jumaat :)......

Rasa macam dah lama tak cerita pasal food. Asyik dok membebel pasal my work, takpun meratap pasal kekecewaan my nephew tuh ;)...ate cucu sulong, anak tunggal pulak kan. Dah ok sikit kot budak tuh, maknya nak bawak pi Pangkor harini. Katanya seronok nak pi, tapi sedih gak hahhaha....

Haritu teringin sangat nak makan daging goreng kunyit. So, I defrosted the frozen meat in microwave for 2 mins. Sentuh2, macam sejuk beku lagi...Tambah lagi 2 mins...Nampak ok, bila nak potong daging.... banyak yang peroi dan berderai hahahah......Tapi dah teringin, masak je la...

Actually the day before fenin nak masak apa. Korek2 freezeer jumpa udang...Rasanya ni beef dan udang ni stock masa raya haji haritu. So, masaklah udang goreng kunyit hehehhe..................

Senang sangatlah kan nak masak goreng kunyit nih. Less than 15min preparation and cooking time. ni pun simple kan.....waalupun tiada rupa, tetap menyelerakan.

Chet.. hampeh hampagas betul la. Blog I pun dijangkiti wabak penyakit seperti blog lain grrrrrrrr...... Semasa dok upload gambar tetiba keluar message nih :

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Luckily pagi tuh, dah baca entri Cempaka Biru hehehhe........Thanks Nieda Dan Qaseh Honey. Ikut je arahan langkah demi langkah...In shaa Allah ok. Jangan degil macam I hehehe....

As a summary :

sign up for new google account >>>>let this new account be the author or the admin of the blog too (caranya lihat tutorial hehhehe)>>> login using this new account>>>>Maka, dapatlah upload photos :)