Monday, November 19, 2012

Kerana aku, Pakcik bekerja during weekend

Adoyai...weekend yang memenatkan. Kononnya nak baca draft thesis denga teliti. Alih2 sibuk ngan article. Hari Sabtu,  Pakcik Adelaide hantar dua email...satu pasal thesis

F, I think this is what you want to say :.........., but double check with N. I will go through abstract etc and send on Monday. Cheers, J.

satu pasal article

Thanks F, paper looks good and I will get back in touch if I see any typos.

Many thanks, J.

Apapun, I pulunlah siapkan corrections for my article, from sentences to typo, figure and 4 tables....Ada 10 corrections too. But still ada yang I tak tahu camna nak baiki............

Ahad pun masih nak cari idea camna nak analyse data tuh dan write a lil' bit about it in the article's abstract. Serabut.....tapi kelakar, dapat idea kat toilet...tak senonohkan. Then luckily tak keluar pi woolies cari buah. Pukul 12.57pm, pakcik pulak hantar email,

F, here is just the abstract with some very minor corrections. I will try to send more tomorrow.

However, I think it is starting to look good.

Best wishes, J.

So at 7.14pm, hantarlah the latest abstract to Pakcik.

Then at  9.35pm, hantar pula corrections to the editor :).

Kemudian, barulah boleh berehat sambil menonton action movie Salt lakonan Angelina Jolie :). Tak jugak berehat..sambil lipat baju la. Tapi, of course my kanda
"pot pet..pok pek...cerita itu, camni....kenapa ya.....stupid movie...."
Dia yang tengok dulu, dia yang tanya I kenapa.
Dia yang kata stupid movie, dia tetap stay tune till the end hahahha.
Yang pastinya, I dengar apa dia cakap, tapi I tak faham coz mata I fokus di tv hahahhah..............Hmm, kesian je la dia pok pek............

Oklah nak pi uni, tapi hujan huhuhu.

update at 10.28am:
Berdebar semacam...macam aku lak nak ambil keputusan UPSR. Semoga buah hati jantung pisang ;), my beloved nephew berjaya with flying colours :)